Ur Slang is Gross

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Billie revved up the engine and started to pull out of the dirt shoulder of the highway. The truck slowly heaved itself up to 60 and staggered to stay paced for a few seconds. She kept her eyes on the road, I watched her eyes scan across the pavement.
The musty smell of the old Jeep was really setting a mood but I saw in Billies posture that she was slightly strained, she looked like she was uncomfortable. This seemed her go to expression when she let me be in charge of what we're going to do.

I looked around the interior of the Jeep to find a portal to entertainment, radio? Stereo? Aux??  Her stereo system was shit and I only spotted a cassette player. The bouji way she dresses got you convinced she had a Mercedes Benz with a boom box and subwoofers. I don't even remember how to use cassette players and might I add, I didn't just compliment her style, actually she dresses crusty as fuck just with expensive side pieces, so actually pretty unappealing.

We reached the first stop light into town and the interior of the car began to grow from the street lights. The sun just started to peak over the hills and soon the lights would be turned off and the sloppy town would "rise and grind". As I remembered, it was Friday morning and school had started 5 minutes ago. This should have rung a bell in my head to go to school like a good citizen but my mind was completely filled with infatuation, yeah not yet has she actually shown defection to me but, of course I was obsessed.

I scanned the street signs until my street looked under the lingering street lights and drew closer.
"Turn here." I exhaled.

"I know." She said this with a straight face and I couldn't decipher if she was if she was proud of herself or annoyed. This was the usual. Well time to get my feelings hurt, right? We stopped in the vicinity of the front parking area of my house, my parents weren't home, as usual.

I unlocked my front door and peered inside, I spotted the cat pat towards the door from the hallway. She stopped and sat at the foot mat. I shoved the door and entered the hallway, I heard Billie follow and shut the door. By the time I reached the kitchen, she was leaning down and stroking the cat we collectively named nerd.

"Oh hey, yeah well I'm going to get home real quick and like, get back over here. You want me to pick up any food?" My heart pulled in my chest and I felt betrayed. I had almost no reason to feel this was but I had a feeling she wasn't planning on coming back. I shoved those feelings back into my chest and turned to meet her eyes.

"Yeah, sounds good. How about some ,,, breakfast-y stuff." I tried to keep my response short to hide my petty reaction.

"K" and pulled the door closed after her. I heard the start of her tin can car and peeling out of the street. She sounded rushed. Probably trying to get out of here as fast as possible. I tried to tell myself it didn't matter, I wasn't going to lead myself on to believe she was going to come back and get crushed when she doesn't.

I slouched onto the couch and flicked on the tv. Nerd purred along the bottom and had a lingering stretch with a curled tail. Starting at the cat for over 5 minutes, make herself cozy on the rug in front and under the couch. My eyes drifted over to the tv displaying a commercial from Nickelodeon early morning cartoons. The kitchen behind me had a lingering smell of coffee letting me know my parents were here this early morning. I moved into the kitchen and felt the pot of coffee sitting on the counter. It was dead cold but I poured myself a cup, out of a dirty used one sitting in the dirty sink. It was piled up barely contained by the sides of the sink walls.

The kitchen was a outlook of how I feel, I didn't really want to bother cleaning it for the breakfast I fantasized in my head. Whatever.

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