Cold Sheets

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I had to catch my breath before I could respond to her proposal.

"A what?" I stammered.

Billies eyes rested on me and signaled up the stairs. I let her go first and took my time making my way up. She pushed my door open and stood next to my bed awkwardly. I've never seen her look out of place before, it was a new sight. She let her shoulders relax and cocked her leg while fidgeting with her fingers, she left her eyes on the floor to avoid my stare. I smiled to myself and led myself to my bed. I switched my tv on and settled in.

"Are you staying or going?" I questioned her.

She let out a sigh and sat next to me.
"I gotta get outta here before two am. I'll stay till then if you don't want to hang at the 'get together." She held up her fingers to quote. I smiled at her.

"I don't feel like going out, would you keep me safe here?" I said with a bit of sarcasm. She chuckled to herself and sat on the bed. I smiled to myself as I thought about Billies hands running along my skin. I needed to calm the fuck down, I have no idea what Billie is for me or really, who I am for her. I didn't want to bother with complex thought as I was getting tired and wanted to just absorb into my bed. I hadn't been close to a person in over two years and I can't say that I wasn't a little antsy for some affection. I knew billies wasn't the best person to get it from but my infatuation complex with her has gotten me in to deep now.

Billie slipped off my bed and walked in the direction of my closet, pushing the door open she wandered in and started looking around. "You uh,, need something ?" I said twisting around to see what she was up to.

"Oh yea , I'm stay the night here right? I'm not planning on going home. I need something to like sleep in, I don't want to fuck up this fit bro." She said with a chuckle. I smiled lightly at her and grabbed her sweats and a tank top. I had very conveniently run out of clean T-shirt so a tank top was all I had. She made a strained groan and grabbed the clothing items out of my hand. I smiled and followed her out of the closet. Billie slipped out of her clothes right where she was standing and pulled on what I gave her. She shot me a smirk when she noticed my dazed look I had on my face.

I watched her make herself comfortable in my sheets and studied her blemish less skin and drowsy hooded eyes. I had no idea how it was possible for a human to be so immensely perfect, except maybe a few personality flaws but don't we all?

Billie took in a rugged sigh and placed a hand on my leg, letting her eyes close slightly. "Wake me up at one." I smiled to myself at the confirmation that she was going to stay with me for a bit longer. I switched my light off and slid further into my bed. I scooted closer to her and took in her scent. She smelled like mint shampoo and maybe a hint of old spice. It was a comforting smell that gave me a warm feeling in my chest. The atmosphere of the room was lulling me to sleep as I tried to keep my eyes open. Her arm slid around my waist and left a reassuring grip. I drew in a comfortable, pleasurable sigh and let myself enjoy the moment.


A jolt of panic awakened me and I sat up in my bed feeling around for Billies body. My hands only grabbed cold sheets and my heart sunk. I knew I wasn't going to wake up next to her but I had hoped. I took in my room, it was probably four or five am and I swiped around under my covers to find my phone. The screen lit up the vicinity and stung my eyes.

5:29 am

I had lost the inspiration to go back to sleep and my brain began to register realistic thoughts. The house was completely silent and I remembered I was home alone, not an unusually occurrence but still as lonely. I set my feet on the wood floor and absorbed the temperature. The stairs creaked and I slid around the corner entering the kitchen. The fridge gave off a comforting glow and I scanned it to find any remnants of edible sustenance. A defrosted cheese pizza was calling my name.

I sat on the counter, mindlessly chewing the half cooked meal. Nerd jumped on the counter and purred as she curled her tail around my arm, getting plenty of hair on my pizza. She stared into my eyes and pleaded for food. I shoved the bowl towards her after filling it and finished my food. Nerd had been my roommate since I was twelve after my mom had found her at her old work, and honestly kept me company on a many of drunken binges and sleepless nights. She's seen me at my worst for sure.

I tried to remember what day it was to somehow plan out the continuation of my day. Plans were to try to ignore every emotion. The recent happenings just left me relatively drained and I just wanted to chill out. I was also running low on bud and needed to get on that. My guy had been out of town for over a week and I crossed my fingers as I texted him.

"You in town?" I tapped into my phone.

It was nearly six am, was this an appropriate time to text your drug dealer? I made my way back up to my room and sat back into my bed to think about the day, or more like avoid thinking about the day. I flipped my laptop open and put on my Spotify, letting the day waste away.

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