Cafe Window

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The school day came to a close and I stepped out the front doors along with my shaggy group of friends. We all made our way off campus and down the road towards the local cafe.
I hadn't seen Billie today, I thought I saw a glimpse of her grey hair, but as I made my way over, she was no where. I wasn't very familiar to her school attendants schedule, but from what I recall she doesn't really skip.

The crisp air was chilling my nose and finger tips and my moistening shoes weren't helping my discomfort level. We all traveled as a shoe-squeaking gang of lowerclass lowlives.
We arrived to the cafe and walked along the side of the building to the front door. I gazed into the warm looking window and skimmed over the customers, they sat with a blank expression, glued to their laptop screens, with scarfs around their necks. They looked very dim and disappointing. I scanned over until my eyes met with a familiar look, it was billie, she had a small mug sitting next to her and a dreary look spread across her face. Our eyes eyes locked and the dreary look changed to surprise. I'm not sure if it is a good surprise or bad. 

My friends made their way through the door but I departed and sat on the patio. Time to see if she actually cares. I sat down on one of the steel patio tables and zipped my carhart jacket up. Today I was sporting a beanie and some black jeans with vans authentic. I sat impatiently, tapping my foot on the stone tiling. The smell of coffee and cigarettes from the nearby ash tray, filled my nose. I watched the door, expecting the door to swing open and a shining billie appear like a ray of sun.

I was upset with myself for thinking so highly of her, she gave me little to no reason to at all. She had given me a glimpse of attention and I was hooked. 

The door creaked opens and a dirty sneaker stepped out of the doorway. My eyes snapped to the face and here she was.
She gave me a grave smile, if you even want to call it that.
"What's up baby girl."
She raised her eye brows as she let out her words.
" uh you weren't at school today? You tell me what's up."
"I don't know I didn't feel like going, why are you so interested??"
"Don't have to get so defensive, damn bill."
I replied, drifting my eye contact to the floor.
"Im not defensive Noah, I'm just annoyed you care all the sudden."
She grabbed my attention by saying that.
"Well shit I'm sorry that I don't fucking hate you right now? Is that such a problem??"
I raised my voice a little higher than intended.
She mumbled dropping her eyes to the floor.
I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at her face, trying to connect to her. She kept her eyes and the floor and shoved her hands into her sweatpants pockets.

"Your lighter is in my jeans, I think you'll want it back, huh?"
I grasped it and felt it through my pocket.
"No it's ok, I know I left it with you."
She kept her eyes on the ground.
" bill, can you just look at me, please?"
That caught her attention and she lifted her eyes from the ground to my eyes. Our eyes connected and I felt my heart pulse louder, her eyes looked at me with concern and annoyance.
She said coldly. I wasn't really expecting that reaction honestly.

"I-I-I don't know, I just thought-"
She ignored my sentence and walked down the stairs to the street. I watched her make her way towards and old Jeep Cherokee parked with a wack paint job.
I watched her open the door and sit in the drivers seat, she didn't turn the car on, but just sat there, watching the brake pedals.
Even though she infuriated me I decided to confront here one more time.
I made my way across the gravel parking lot towards her car. Her eyes didn't even take notice me. I reached her car and put my jeans on the window, it was rolled down.
"Ya know billie, I'll tell you ok, I really like you, I really do but,,"
She cut me off by placing her hand on mine and resting her head atop. I felt her take a prolonged breath. The attitude of the area changed to a chiller more calm, reassuring mood.
I listened to her breathing while I stood there dumbfounded.

At this point I have no fucking clue what she's about.

She lifted her head and pulled my head into the car, she rested her hand on my cheek and stared at my lips. I thought I knew what was coming but she let my cheek go.
"Want to get in?"
She pushed the passenger door open on the other side. I nodded and walked around the back of the car.

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