Saturday School

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Friday evening's sunset was starting to make its appearance over the hill looking over the town and the warm glow flooded the inside of the Jeep while we were still sitting in a comfortable silence, eating our snacks.
Billie was steering the car with her knees while we cruised through downtown.

"I think you should get your hand out of my snacks and actually look at the road?" I said with an upward glance towards her.

She jerked the car wheel back into the proper place and sat up without her usual, smirking response.

"Tomorrow is Saturday and I was wondering if you had any plans." I saw the wall behind her eyes, I was still too naive to her ways to see through these walls.
Her lips creased as she waited for a reply from me.

"As far as I know, I'm not doing shit." Boring.

She nodded her head and continued to excel through town. By this time, it was past dusk and the last bit of light had left the horizon. While Billie fidgeted with her stereo and aux, I let my head rest on the open window sill. The let the wind blow my hair out of my face and have the street lights illuminate my face. The town began to wake up to the early Friday night vibes and the bars began to turn their music up. The intro to 'take a step back' by Ski Mask The Slump God, blasted out of her amped up speakers and shook the car. I jumped slightly out of my seat from the unexpected vibrations coming from the speakers.
Billies smile stretched across her face as she watched me blush and bring my legs under me to sit on.

"I swear to god, you jumped like half way out of the car." She said smiling. I slung my fist into her arm and received a squeal.

"Hey! I didn't do it on purpose!!" Her smile shone through and told a different story.

I glared at her from the passenger seat, while she started to bump to the song and bounce in her seat. I felt the car accelerate from her excitement from the song. The "fucked up!!!" Intro finished and xxx started to rap. Along with his verse, she continued to speed out of town, back into the Oregon forest, we made our way out of town.

The car headlights flashed on the tall, intimidating, evergreen trees as we twisted along the highway. I looked down from admiring Billies contagious excitement, and pulled my phone out.

8:00 Dad: be home

My heart began to race slightly, my dad never asks me to be home. Fuck, he's never home. I'll give it another half hour, I have a good excuse. 'I follow in my parents footsteps.' I slid my phone back into my pocket and ignored the obvious red flag.

Billies 'pump up' playlist continued to propel the Jeep along the highway at light speed.

Hour or so later.

The playlist finally calmed down to the point I could speak over the music.

"You know, we need to get alcohol! We could have a fucking banger of a night!" I saw billies eyes widen at her own suggestion.

I looked down at my phone and felt it vibrate.

"I kinda need to go home, I'm sorry." I did the real life version of the ":/" face.

She sighed and rolled her eyes at me. My internal gut feeling gave me the urge to yell at her but I knew it would be no use.

"I'll take you home then." She kept an attitude.

"You don't have to be a dick about it." I said looking down at my ratty shoes.

"You're lucky I'm not asking for gas money, okay?" She replied, pulling her car over and making a u-turn.

I didn't reply and we left the car in all silence except for the distant sound of 'doihavethesause?' By ski mask.

The car drifted into town from the momentum of the last hill back from the forest. My house was five minutes away and I was anticipating getting out of the car. I counted the streets until mine came into view, I didn't say anything and waited to see if she remembered. I knew she didn't but I was still curious.

"Turn right h-" I started, but was cut off.

"I know." She said as she swung into the turn, barely taking a moment to slow down.

I rolled my eyes and kept a watch on the end of the street where my house was sitting with the kitchen lights on, visible through the front door window. The truck came to squeaking stop and I flung the door open.

"See ya." She said as she steered the car around, towards the exit of the street.

She left me standing on the curb in front of my house. Honestly, I was disappointed in her, I really did start to think her dick attitude was just a front but it was beginning to seem like it wasn't. I knew I had to enter my front door but the heated glow from the kitchen didn't seem too inviting as it might have to other people. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and opened the screen before I could see the spam of messages. I did this for her, I willingly got into trouble for her and she didn't even properly say goodbye.
I grasped my unlocked phone in my hand and headed towards the door.

The door gave a loud creak open and I made myself towards my stairs until I heard my fathers signature sound of him taking his metal framed glasses off and setting them on the tile counter. I hesitated at the bottom of the stairs and waited for him to call me.

"Noah." It was my cue to go.

"Comin." I replied lazily.

"I texted you atleast twelve times." He put on his 'I'm your father, listen to me' face. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, what about it?"

He glared at me and pulled up a piece of paper that was previously laying on the counter.

"I needed to talk to you about this." He let the paper open in his fingers to show me.

It was obviously a report card but I honestly could care less, since when did he care about shit like this??

"What do you really want? I'm tired." I said, starting to turn on my heels, towards the stairs.

"You know what Noah?? I'm really tired of this. You really need to step it up, I'm really taking action this time." He started to get red in the face.

He was bluffing, but it seemed a bit more real this time.

"K" I replied lazily.

I heard his reaction and knew this wasn't the proper response for this situation immediately.

"Fine Noah, just fine, you're going to Saturday school tomorrow and fixing these fucking grades or a swear to god I wil-." At this point, his face was cherry red and he was gripping the report card with white knuckles. I knew this wasn't actually because of me, it was "stress"
Stress from what? I have no fucking clue, it felt pretty over dramatic for the stress free life he led.

"I'm waking you up tomorrow and six thirty, I hope you're looking forward to it." I heard his footsteps lead back into the living room.

I stormed off into the hallway and up the stairs.

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