Loving Touch

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Billie threw herself back onto the bed and let out a heavy breath. I rolled onto my stomach and couldn't help but take in her beauty. I mean, she had just pounded the living fuck out of me but none the less the lighting on her face made my heart skip a beat. My window was emitting a glowing sun bean to illuminate her soft light blue eyes and pink lips. I must have been staring at her for over a minute before she turned to me and looked into my eyes. "Daydreaming?" She said with a loving voice, the first I heard. I smiled lightly at her and nodded.

She brought her hand resting it on my back, this one felt different, slightly more caring. Her past touches were kind of detached. I was refreshed from the realization and reveled in the moment. My phone buzzing on the table awoke me from my happiness. I dropped my head back on the bed and looked to Billie with a pleading look. "Get my phone?"
I watched as she slid off the bed toward the table, her back turned toward me, I admired her unfortunately clothed back.

My phone landed beside me and a message appeared from daisy.

Billies eyes locked into the message and she squinted, reading the text. We were entering the 'I have to introduce you to people' stage.

"It's uh daisy, she's been my bff for since I can remember." I left Billie a gentle smile, I patted the bed inviting her to sit. To my surprise she actually did and leaned back onto my stomach pulling out her phone and scrolling through Instagram.

Dais: I got the hook up wana meet.

"Daisy wants to meet up, I think she has bud, would you like to join me?" I made eye contact with Billie and she brought her chin up to meet my eyes. "You mean use my car?" She said with snark.
"I mean if you want to put it that way, sounds good to me." I smiled and wrapped my finger in her hair. She took little heed to it and allowed me to continue.

Dais: 1: 45 b there or b square.

My hand continued to stroke Billies hair and I felt in heaven with her. I had never gotten the feeling from a person romantically and I wanted to treasure the moment, never let go. I watched her chest rise and fall softly as we both fell asleep, still 'That 70s Show' plating in the background.


I woke up to a dark gloomy room with dark rolling clouds out the window. Light thunder must have woken me up. Billie was still resting softly on my stomach and I thanked the universe she had stayed. I pulled my phone up to read 1:14 pm. I sat up and remembered the plan to meet daisy. We had our meeting place since we were 12 where we would always meet. I had never showed anyone this, it was one of the closest thing to me. I hoped Billie will treasure it as much as I do, even if it wasn't much.

I nudged her shoulder slightly to wake her. Her drowsy eyes scanned the room for a moment to shift back up to my face. She raised her hand to place it on my cheek and smile. This gesture made me glow. Her eyes then again looked out the window. "It's raining." She said focusing out side. "No shit Sherlock." I returned laughing to myself. She rolled her eyes and got off the bed. "What time do we gotta leave?"

I got off my bed noticed I was only in my under wear. Fuck. I had to make it to my closet. Billies eyes were already locked onto me, studying me with her intimidating eyes. "Like now I guess." I said sheepishly trying to escape to the closet. Her eyes continued to watch me as I entered and closed the door behind me. "You don't have to hide from me Noah !" I heard her raise her voice through the door. Smiling at myself I slipped on jeans and opened the door.

"Tadaa." I displayed pretty much the same outfit but with... jeans. A wide smile was plastered on her face and she also slipped her shoes on. "We heading out?" She pointed out the door. I nodded and followed behind her.

The rain was pouring off the roof as we closed the door behind us. Billie went first and ran under the water stream, avoiding puddles as she jumped into her car. I followed and slammed the door after me. "Where we off to?" She said as she started the engine.

The trucked bumped along the wet road, the town was dark and lonely usually, but today even with the lack of sun, I felt at ease and comforted. Billie brought a sensation with her that filled me with hope. This excited me and scared me. I just wasn't use to it.

We pulled into the gas station and I led her around into the thin forest behind. "I'm fucking ruining my sneakers Noah. This better be dank shit to be worth it." Billie complains as she stepped cautiously. I rolled my eyes playfully and we arrived an abandoned shed. The door was slightly ajar warning that daisy was probably inside. I picked the door open and entered, Billie shortly after. Daisy was sitting on the makeshift couch we had made.

"Oh Billie, fancy seeing you." She said with a slightly annoyed tone. Usually daisy is one of the chillest person ever, so this caught me slightly off guard. I furrowed my eye brow at her. Billie didn't respond and instead leaded in the corner. Daisy pulled out a baggy from her pocket and threw it at me. Slightly confused, I pulled out my cash and handed it to her. She looked at me with a closed off expression. I shrugged off the confrontation and grabbed Billies hand to leave. This upset me for daisy to do something, even if it's just not talking to me. I'll text her and see what's up.

We rumbled out of the parking lot and headed back to my house.

"That was weird." I stated after a few minutes of quiet. Billies eyes were glued to the road.

"MmHmmm" She hummed as we pulled up.

The house was still empty and after a day of rainy weather the temperature was uncomfortable. Billie entered and she slumped on the couch in the living room. Heading upstairs to grab some bedding for the couch, I grabbed my pipe and joined Billie in the living room.

I watched her as I approached from the doorway. She was half asleep, splayed out on the couch. I smiled and sat next to her throwing a blanket over both of us. We were cozy.

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