You chose my house for a field trip?! #2 (by MythicalCrypressWater)

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Peter woke up early due to a nightmare. Being crushed by a building will wake you up every time...
Aunt Tasha had said he could come to her if he had a nightmare. She was good at calming you down after and she always made her famous hot chocolate. Tony had said he could come down to the labs and talk to him about it too.

But, they hardly ever slept and Peter didn't want to be a burden to them with something as simple as a nightmare. After a quick check with FRIDAY, he was able to determine that he was the only one awake in the Tower's penthouse. Steve had just left for his morning run.

Wiping a stray bead of sweat from his eyebrow, Peter slipped from the bed, snatched his earphones and phone, and made his way to the kitchen.


Peter popped the toast into the toaster as he song aloud to the song.

"Fuck. Fuck this shit.
Fuck, give it to me!

If I only could I'd set the world on fire
If I only could I'd set the world on fire
If I only could I'd set the world on fire

Say fuck the world! (Fuck the world!)

If only I could I'd set the world on fire
Fuck 'em all (Fuck em all)

Fuck you, Fuck me, fuck us

Fuck Tom, Fuck Mary, Fuck Gus."

Just as Peter took his toast out the toaster, he was grabbed suddenly from behind. A hand clamped over his mouth disabled him from yelling. He squirmed in his attackers arms. Stupid Spidey sense! Why didn't they alert him?

Wait- Peter recognized that cologne. "Clint!"

"Avengers! Wake up! GET IN THE KITCHEN NOW!" Clint shouted, drowning out his protests. The rest of the team piled in, looking ready to attack. They stared at the scene before them with blank faces, raised eyebrows.

"Clint." Tony said, voice monotone, face blank, bored looking. "What are you doing to my son?"

"Okay, I have my reasons!"

"For kidnapping him?" Wanda now questioned, eyebrow arched.

Clint huffed. "Ask FRIDAY to pull up footage."

Peter, licking Clint's hand, allowing him to squirm free, protested. "NO! Nothing's on there. Clint's delirious!"

"Uh huh" Tony said placidly. "FRI?" The footage popped up and the team stared with wide, shocked eyes.

"See, he's speaking forbidden adult language!" Clint said when the clip ended.

"I practically am an adult." Peter huffed.

"Oh, no you're not." Tony chided, ruffling his hair. "I wouldn't let your mom know about that. And I'll tell her if you do it again."

"Tell me what?" A voice called. Everyone turned around to see Pepper standing there in her soft purple bath robe.

"Nothing Honey. Peter just said something he shouldn't have. Now, someone put on the coffee. I need it if I'm going to be up this early- Bruce?-Yeah he needs it too."

The group ended up making waffles with coffee. Natasha and Wanda sat at the counter sipping their hot beverages, Tony and Bruce had grabbed coffee, and excused themselves down to their labs- after Telling Peter bye and to have a good day-. Pepper was skimming over numbers on a Stark I pad while fussing with Peter's hair. Sam had went to run too, figuring if Steve was almost done, he wouldn't have to deal with "On your left!"

Bucky was eating a few waffles stacked on his plate while sipping water. Clint was eating waffles and gulping coffee. Rhodey was supposed to be coming by later. Peter liked the man. He was funny, told a lot of funny stories about Tony.

"Hey kid, wanna spar?" Bucky questioned when they both finished breakfast.

"Nah, I can't go to school with bruises. People will assume." Peter shrugged, gathering his stuff for school.

"How are you so sure you'll get hit?"

Peter gave him a look over his eyebrows and Bucky chuckled. "okay, okay. Oh and if anyone "assumes" something about you, tell me. I'll take care of it."

"Thanks Bucky." The spiderling sighed. He'd have to go over the "You can't kill minors" speech again.

Pepper pressed a quick kiss to his forehead and with that, Peter headed down the elevator. He made it this far without anyone finding out. He just hoped he could make it to the rest of the day.


Okay, so the person who created this story, hasn't finished yet, so i'll update this oneshot, as soon as she puts in a new chapter!

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