The Trip rebelwritesthings

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Peter couldn't believe his luck.

Of all the places his end of the year field trip could be at, it had to be Stark Tower.

And Tony and Pepper had to be doing a presentation.

"May! I can't go!"

"Peter. I told you this before. You can't skip the trip just because you're worried Tony will embarrass you."

"I'm sick", Peter faked a cough.

May laughed, "No. You're ridiculous. Now get going."

 "Fine! If I die of embarrassment you have to pick me up."

"Okay Peter. Have fun."

Peter scoffed.


He wouldn't have fun.

Tony would use this as an opportunity to torture Peter.

At least Pepper would be there. She might help him.

Maybe Peter could just tell everyone he lied about the internship and pretend he didn't know anyone.


That was a good plan.

When Peter got to school everyone was getting ready to go.

"Hey Penis! Did you tell your good friend Tony Stark that we're coming?"

"Shut up Flash."

"Hey Peter!" Ned was practically shaking with excitement, "Does he know you're coming?!"

"No. I wish I wasn't going."


"I don't need to draw attention to myself."

Ned opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by the teacher shouting for everyone to get on the bus.

As Peter got on the bus he whispered to himself, "Tony better not find out I'm coming."

When they got to the tower, Peter ducked behind Ned, so no one who would recognize him would see him. Unfortunately, that plan didn't work to well.

Everyone was being given a guest pass by a woman who Peter knew did all the tours.

Everyone was given one but Peter.

"You can just use your regular pass."

Everyone stared at Peter as he took his pass out of his bag and headed to the security line.

"You have your own pass for Stark Tower?" Ned asked.

"It's not for Stark Tower. I didn't even know it worked here."

"That's so cool!"

Ned went through security and Peter was next. He was about to take go through the scanner when Katherine, the tour guide interrupted him, "you don't need to do that. Just scan your pass."

Peter did, blushing with embarrassment, and F.R.I.D.A.Ys voice came over the speakers.

"Welcome back, Peter. I'll inform Tony that you're here."

Flash gawked at him, "you weren't lying."

Ned beamed, "Of course he wasn't!"

"Fri", Peter sighed, "that's really not necessary. Please don't."

"I already told him. He's on his way."

"If everyone could follow me..." Katherine started the tour but no one was paying her any attention.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now