Code Black! Pt 1

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Thanks to @Bar0315 for this idea!  Also, you guys, i'm running out of one-shots to post, so it would be noice if you guys gave me requests! Just go to my inbox, and tell me some of ur ideas! BUT NO SHIPPING, expect peter x someone(NOT AVENGERS)! also while ur doing that, just follow me! Cuz theirs a ton of views, actually, i have more views then followers! SO PLZZZZ follow me! Anyways, let's get on with this one-shot shall we?


Peter's Thoughts(or others)


~FlashBacks/ TimeSkip/ FlashBack End~


Past Tense


Today was the day. The day where Peter finally meets the avengers normally, but ever since the fight they had at the airport (IW never happened), Peter, would get nervous, if someone mention anything about the avengers. But then again, Peter also got mad at a certain avenger. And ever since Venom bonded with Peter. He would have a harder time, not to go crazy. Of course his Dad, the Tony Stark, knows this, so he made Code Black, just like Code Green for the Hulk. 

As the last bell rung, Peter quickly grabbed his things, shoved it into his book-back, and left the classroom. Following behind was Ned, MJ, and Flash(i made Flash cool, ur welcome). As Peter started to walk into the hallway, it started to get crowded, Peter loves crowds, but when Venom bonded with him, he would always bug peter to out the crowd.


"What now venom?"

"These musty humans are hella stinker then yesterday, get out of this crusty crowd nnooowww."

"So are you calling me a 'Musty' Human? Cuz I DID have gym today."

"Yes, you're musty as well. Make sure to take a double shower with at least 5 body washes and shampoos."

"Hpmh... You have no sympathy do you?"

"Bitch, do you know what I am? I'm a fuckin blob of evil, that's somehow became neutral, cuz of you. So yes, i have no sympathy my musty friend."

"Okay okay... Don't have to be so aggressive about it."

Peter then quickly stopped talking with Venom, and started to walk faster, to get out the crowd as soon as possible, or venom would roast him again. As Peter walked out the crowd, Ned, MJ, and Flash walked beside him.

Ned ran beside peter, and looked at him, as if he were a toddler getting a  huge lollipop. "Yo dude! Isn't today the day to meet the avengers!?" 

"Ned, I told you at least a million times today... 'Yes'..."

"Oh right, sorry dude!" Ned then ran towards the door and pushed it, so that everyone can go outside and just wait to either be picked up, or walk home.

"Hey Par- Peter." Flash said.

"Try not to go 'We are Venom' when you meet that flag colored bastard." Flash whispered and nudged peter's arm.

Peter then looked down at flash as, MJ, Ned, and flash sat down under the shade. "I'll try at least,  Venom is a bit grumpy today, so it may be hard to control him." 

Peter then slid down the trunk of the tree, and sat next to his friends. He never knew why Flash stopped bullying him under a day, and then befriended him. Maybe Cuz... Then it clicked to Peter's head. It's because Peter saved Flash from a mugger, and somehow Flash found out his identity.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now