Peter Parker Pt 3(by Forthelore)

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Chapter 3

"Hey kid," Tony hummed as he rushed about his lab. Metal clinked against each other as he pushed circuit boards to the side, and as nuts and bolts fell to the floor. But the brunette paid them no mind as he focused his attention to the phone. "I need you to pick up now. I did NOT give you the new Stark Phone for you to forward me to voice mail. Not. Allowed. That's the adult talking by the way."

Still no answer came. Tony sighed, rolling his eyes and hung up for the third time in fifteen minutes. The kid was so going to get it when he got there. He was already two hours late, and NO BODY is late to a meeting with Tony Stark. Absolutely not. Completely unacceptable. Tony was the one that was late, never anyone else. That was not how this works.

"Alright Dum-E..."Tony groaned slipping into the soft leather chair that formed perfectly around his body. It was, perhaps, a sign that the genius spent far too much time in said chair, but he wasn't planning to stop today. "I'll give him five minutes..." He leaned his head back into the rest of the chair and grunted resting his eyes.

Exactly three minutes and fifteen seconds later, he reached out for his phone. His thumb hit the second speed dial number, and he waited as the phone rang once more. He swore up and down that if Peter didn't answer this time, then he was going to have FRIDAY run a scan through Karen, because if the kid was out in the suit and not answering...well...Could he even ground the teenager? He was sure he could if he called May first.

"Hello?" Peter grunted finally answering. His voice was muffled and exhausted sounding. "Mr. Stark? Wassup?"

"What's up? Peter, you were supposed to be here like two hours ago..." Tony scolded annoyed. He almost crossed his arms over his chest like a child, but he was the adult right now. "I called you like five times! Why didn't you answer? Do I need to have FRIDAY scan you?"

"Mr. Stark," Peter groaned softly, his end of the line crackled a moment as the teenager began to sit up. "I've been here for like two and a half hours. I was waiting on you to let me into the lab but you didn' I.." The teenager yawned heavily into the reciever. "So I took a nap."

"'ve...what?" Tony huffed crossing his arms over his chest. Okay, that was enough adulting for one day. "What do you mean you've been waiting? FRIDAY never told me you were here!"

"Actually," The british voice cut through the echoing lab efficiently. "I did...three times in fact. But you were far too invested in your latest invention. You told me to leave you alone and only alert you for an emergency."


"She's right," Peter hummed through the phone. He was all too smug about the situation. "I even knocked."

"I...Whatever! Get your little webby self down here! We're already behind!" Tony Stark was infamous for many things, his ego being one of them. And so, he would be damned to admit he was wrong about something. Peter, however, was not above gloating, and he did so the entire way up to Tony's lab.
Tony, however, had managed to zone out and ignore the teenager for the most part, bantering at appropriate moments, but forcing his focus back to the task that was under way. His fingers moved deftly, and swiftly across the wiring board that Tony had connected to the hologram before him. He glanced up every so often to check the coding that scanned and scattered across the screen.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter popped up beside him, his eyes still red rimmed from the sleep that buried itself in the corner of his eyes.

"What, Peter?" Tony hummed keep his focus. He could hear the exhaustion in the teenagers face, but even still it didn't really register with his mind. His focus was all on the circuit board in front of him and the coding error that had showed up on Karen's database at some point during the past few days. It had been on his radar ever since, and using the kid's visit as a buffer, Tony meant to spend time fixing it.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now