Savage Peter(Made by a good friend!)

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Okay, this one-shot is made my a friend of mine! Her name on wattpad is @clickingkey-boards

! So follow her, she doesn't usually make marvel one-shots, but she made this one for the fun of it! Anyways, this is a field trip one-shot! Let's get on with it shall we?


Peter Stark was horrendously sick, carrying a superhuman version of the flu virus, which he was largely unaffected by, apart from some sniffling, but anybody he came into contact with would fall sick hard and fast. After spreading the infection to an intern he was working with and landing her in hospital, Peter was more or less in quarantine... while walking around. Still, even after all of the precautions his father took, he was still kept home from school, wandering around the tower and being completely disinfected whenever he entered a lab.

"Shame that Peter's missing the class trip," Ned commented, sitting down next to MJ. The girl looked up in acknowledgement, nodding once before going back to her phone.

Curious, Ned asked, "What are you doing?"

Seeming pleased he had asked, she half-smiled and said, "I'm speaking to Shuri, we're talking about feminism."

"You should lend her one of your feminist t-shirts," he commented, pulling out his own phone. "I think she'd like that."

"She would!" MJ said, bursting into a smile for one second before collecting herself. "Thank you for the idea."

The moment the bell rang, Flash burst into the room, shouting, "I'm here, I'm not late!"

Ned rolled his eyes. "One second, I'll give that to you. Where's Pete?"

"Superhuman flu," Flash replied, tossing down his bag. "He's not sick himself but he's carrying it. He called me a second ago, said I was the least likely to make a show of it. He asked us to film the entire field trip as well, but I think he was joking."

"I sure as fuck hope so," MJ deadpanned. "I don't have enough memory on my phone for that shit."

Flash chuckled at that, peering at what Ned was doing; looking online for new Lego sets. "Oh, new Lego sets? Get that one, my sister has it and it's great."

"Alright, boys and girls! I'm going to register you, and then we're going to find out where we're going in our surprise field trip!" Mr. Warren called out, clapping his hands once, sharply.

"Oh woopity-do, however can I bear the anticipation?" MJ muttered, earning spluttered laughs from her friends.




"MJ, present."




MJ, Ned and Flash positively death-glared their Mr Warren. Flash, the only one in his good books, said, "Peter is sick today, sir. His guardians should have called in. If not, I'll call Peter and make sure they do."

"You do that, Flash," the man dismissed.

"Why can he call you Flash but not call Peter the right name?" Ned exclaimed under his breath.

"No idea," Flash and MJ replied at the same time.

"Hey, Peter! Yeah, hello to you too, have you infected anyone else with that cold yet? Oh, come on, you know I'm only joking. Wait, he actually let Wade come over? And hasn't killed him? Really, wow, wonders will never cease. Yeah, can you get him to email or call or whatever? Otherwise teachers just think you're skipping. Hope you feel better. MJ and Ned say get well soon - well, MJ says 'don't die' but it has the same sentiment. See you!" He ended the call, pocketing his phone. "They're writing in."

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now