Field Trip Love2Write2626

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Chapter 1 I own nothing
Peter's P.O.V

"Ok class before you go I have an amazing announcement to make, next week we are going to Stark Tower for a tour." My eyes went wide, oh my god why? Of all the places we could go on a field trip to it had to be where I live? "So don't forget to take a permission slip with you and have a good weekend" the teacher said, I sighed and got up

"Peter this is so awesome, I get to see where you work and live" Ned said excitedly

"Well I can't wait for this tour Penis Parker, because I will finally have proof that you are lying and don't have an internship with Tony Stark" he pushed past me and walked out

"Ned this is going to be a disaster, my family is going to embarrass the shit out of me"

"I'm sure it won't be that bad Peter c'mon"

"You haven't met them Ned"

"Well maybe you should talk to Pepper, I'm sure she will talk to them"

"Yeah, I guess you're right, look I got to go ok? See you on Monday"

"Yeah, see you Monday" Ned said
I walked into the building, and pulled my ID card out of my bag and swiped it and the door opened

"Welcome back Peter" FRIDAY said

"Thanks, where is Pepper?" I asked

"Mrs. Stark is currently in her office on the 26th floor"

"Thank you FRIDAY " I said and took the elevator down stairs, when I got there I smiled when I saw Pepper's secretary Maria

"Hey Maria" I said with a smile

"Hey Peter, how's it going?" she asked

"It's going ok, I guess. Umm can I go and talk to Pepper" she looked at the phone on the desk

"It looks like she just got off a conference call so go in quickly, she has another meeting in a few minutes" I knocked on the door

"Come in" I heard

"Hey Pepper"

"Hey Peter, how was school today?" she asked as I sat down in the chair across from her desk

"It was good" I said

"Peter what's wrong?" she asked

"Nothing's wrong, what would make you think anything's wrong?" she rolled her eyes

"Peter you act way too much like May, you tap your foot when your nervous" so what's going on

"So I have a favor to ask of you, so next Monday my class is taking a field trip to here actually, and I have to go because if I don't the rest of the students will think I've been lying about the internship and all but I'm worried that Tony, and everyone else will embarrass me"

"So what's the favor?" she asked me

"Well I was hoping with you being the best Aunt in the entire world you would talk to them and ask them not to interfere with my trip" she laughed

"Peter, I'll talk to them but you know it's not going to help, have you met them?" I sunk into my chair, she got up and walked over to me "Look Peter I'll try because you are my favorite nephew"

"I'm your only nephew" she continued talking ignoring my comment

"Plus if May were here she would kick my ass for not helping you, even if it does no good" I chuckled

"Thanks Pep" I hugged her

"Now go upstairs I'm sure you have Home Work to be doing" she said as I ran out the door

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now