Petey Boy Goes on a Field Trip rawdudebro

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Peter was, honest to god, excited about this year's trip to Stark Industries. Not only would he get to get to go to the tower during school hours, but he could probably show Ned around his lab -he still couldn't believe he had his own lab- while they were there. He hadn't really wanted to ask Mr.Stark to have Ned over because he knew how Mr. Stark felt about kids, but the school had convinced SI to give them a tour spot, so he would already be there.

Then Mr. Stark had been over to his apartment, and the permission slip was pinned to the fridge and he had turned to him with that smirk that promised trouble. Peter had begged Tony not to make a big deal out of it, but we'll, it's Tony Stark. Of course he's going to make a big deal out of it.

So Peter slouched down in his seat, arms crossed over his backpack as he unhappily eyes the passing buildings, bouncing along with the rest of the bus.

"What's wrong, Parker? Scared that we're all going to find out you lied about that internship?" Flash sneered from the seat behind where he and Ned sat.

"Shut up, Flash." Ned glowered and turned to Peter.

"Why are you so upset, anyways. You finally get to show me your lab." Ned grinned at his friend. It's all he'd been thinking about for weeks.

"Please, as if Penis Parker has a lab. We all know the internship is made up anyways." Flash rolled his eyes.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Ned bristled, but Peter put his hand out.

"It's fine, Ned." He shook his head, "Just let him talk."

Then the bus screeched to a stop, and the thirty kids that qualified for the trip filed out and into the lobby. Near the back, by the service elevator, stood Mandy, one of the real Stark Industry interns. She passed out lanyard IDs that served as location markers and security passes for the kids. When she got to Peter, she just smiled, "Hey, Peter. Excited for the tour?"

Peter shrugged as she handed a lanyard to Ned.

"This is so cool!" Ned tilted the plastic ID back and forth, watching the light bounce off of the holographic surface.

"Alright, everyone have one?" Mandy scanned the crowd. "Good. My name is Mandy, I'm your tour guide today. Don't lose these passes. They mark you as a guest to FRIDAY, and without them you won't be able to get through any doors, not even to go to the bathroom."

"You don't have a lanyard, doofus. FRIDAY is gonna lock you out." Flash snickered as he bumped into Peter.

Mandy cocked her head in confusion, catching Flash's comment. "Peter doesn't need one."

Flash waited until Mandy started talking about FRIDAY again to turn to Peter. "Huh. How much are you paying her to pretend to know you?"

"I'm not." Peter ground out in frustration.

Flash rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right."

Mandy, shuffled them into the service elevator, apologizing for not using the main elevator. They were just too big to all fit in the main elevator, but the large service elevator, used mainly for transporting large objects like metals and machine parts, fit them all.

"Can I push the button?" Flash pushed his way to where Mandy was standing.

Mandy chuckled. "There are no buttons. FRIDAY, please take us to level 4."

"Of course, Mandy."

The elevator started moving up, and it was a short ride, considering they were only going four floors. Once the doors opened, Mandy led them out into the showcase area. Which was shelves of different objects or specs in display cases.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now