Last tour ever Rlybro

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'Okay class, one second before you go.'

Peter sat back down in his seat. Ms. Warren waited until everyone was seated before she continued.

'You all know that we do our best here at Midtown High to guide you through future education and career choices. That's why we organize yearly field trips to large corporations to give you guys a better picture of what 'the workplace' will look like. Last year, we went to Oscorp-' Peter winced. He definitely remembered that trip. '-this year, I managed to pull a few strings, and....' Ms. Warren was trying hard to suppress a grin.

'And what!' Charles called out. 'Tell us!'

'Yeah, Come on Ms. Warren!' Cindy followed.

'Okay, Okay! I managed to get us a tour at the Avengers tower!' Ms. Warren squealed.

The class was shocked, and suddenly everyone was shouting their questions at once. It was extremely chaotic and it took a couple of minutes before Ms. Warren managed to calm everyone down. 'Okay, guys. Relax', she said. 'I'm just as excited as you are, believe me. Anyway, as you probably all know, Stark Industries sold the building. But since the moving schedule has been delayed, I managed to get us a tour. It's probably their last tour ever so consider yourselves lucky.'

The class became a bit rowdy again, but Ms. Warren continued. 'Don't forget to have your parents sign the permission slip, or you won't be joining us this Friday. I'll hand them out at the door. Now get out of my classroom!'




'Dude, this is so cool!' Ned gushed as they sat down in the cafeteria. 'Field trip to the Avenger's Tower!' Ned gave Peter a sheepish grin. 'But I guess it's not that special for you. I mean, you're basically an Avenger.'

'Who's basically an Avenger?'

Peter and Ned both jumped at the sound of MJ's voice behind them. She sat down next to Peter.

'NOThing!' Ned yelped. Peter elbowed him in the side. Ned faked a cough. 'No one, I uuh...'

Peter interrupted before Ned could accidentally spill his secret. 'Well because I intern at Stark Industries and Tony Stark's an Avenger, so it's almost like I'm part of the Avengers, right?' He gave MJ a weak smile, hoping that it sounded convincible. She eyed him suspiciously, and Peter got the feeling that she knew more than she let on. 'Not really', MJ said eventually. 'But I'll let you dorks dream on.'

Peter and Ned shared a relieved look. 'So, are you even excited to go on this field trip?' Ned asked. 'Or is this just another day at the office for you?'

'Of course I'm excited!' Peter exclaimed. 'I have a Stark internship, but I never got the tour. Yes, I tinker with the gadgets in the labs, but they have Mr. Stark's first couple of iron man suits on display down there! They also have old discarded weapons, like Hawkeye's bows and the new prototypes of Black Widow's Taser batons! I've always wanted to see it, but I never got around to do it.' To be honest, Peter had only gone to the tower a couple of times. He was officially allowed to go to the labs and hang out with Mr. Stark after the vulture incident, but they'd already rescheduled Moving Day, so Peter usually went to Mr. Stark's private lab in his new mansion upstate.

Ned grinned. 'Well, you're dream's coming true, buddy. We're getting the tour.' Peter beamed at his best friend.

'You guys are such nerds', MJ sighed, but Peter could see a faint smile on her lips.




The week passed by in a flash.

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