long live the embarrassing field trips of midtown high cazei

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Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Chat: mj, ned

ned: plz tell me you've been taking notes

mj: GASP

mj: nedthaniel LEEDS

ned: wtf is nedthaniel?

mj: your name is too short for me to say and still sound disappointed

ned: ah

mj: aHem back to it


mj: how dare you not listen to this very important lecture about color schemes on pamphlets

mj: mr. rosewood is bound to be disappointed

ned: you weren't taking notes either, were you?

mj: nedthaniel you are absolutely right.

ned: pete is soooo lucky he's not in this class

mj: how dare he not suffer with us

mj added peter to the chat

peter: what

mj: welcome to mr. rosewood's advanced business and marketing chat

ned changed the name to hell

peter: ah. yeah. so sorry i couldn't be in ab&m with y'all.

peter: i just. didn't have space in my schedule. so sorry.

ned: "im not taking business because i'm not a soulless bureaucrat"

ned: that was your reasoning parker

ned: don't lie to michelleiel

ned: i forwarded those texts to tony and i am prepared to forward them to EVRRUONE else

mj: *everyone


peter: pepper is still low key upset abt it

peter: also? michelliel?

mj: nedthaniel don't snitch

ned: its an ab&m thing

ned: you and your soul wouldn't understand

peter: i am feeling so unnecessarily attacked right now

mj: FUCK

peter: ???

ned: aH AH aH aaaHHJSK

peter: o boy

mj: Im Dropping Out

mj: guess who has lunch detention

peter: what HAPPENED

mj: rosewood

mj: is an evil

mj: evil

mj: man

ned: he called on her to answer on the whiteboard, but she wasn't paying attention to the question, so when she got to the board she wrote "fuck this shit im out"

peter: omfg

Chat: peter, Happy

Happy: Hey, kid.

peter: hey hey hey mr hogan

Happy: What's on your schedule for this Saturday? Tony wants to do some suit modifications, and Pepper wants to have you in a meeting with other high-ups.

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