Field Trip! rhelia

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Blood. That was the first thing he noticed in the alleyway. There were puddles of blood everywhere. He looked down, seeing the scarlet liquid blend into his red spandex suit. The metallic smell was everywhere, and he could feel its stickiness on his hands. He felt sick to his stomach. Taking his Spider-Man mask off, he ran his hand through his hair, only to find that it too was caked in blood. His whole body was.

He walked forwards, his footsteps making an unnatural squelching noise as he stepped in the puddles on the street.

"Peter! Help! Oh god help me-" A woman's voice choked. Peter's heart dropped to his stomach. His heart rate picked up as he recognized the voice.

He stood there frozen as he listened to the sobs.

"Peter, please. Help me!" He forced his feet to move forwards and coughed to clear his throat of all the red, sticky blood.

"May-" he choked out. "May, where are you?"

"Peter! Save me! Save me Peter!"

Peter saw a silhouette at the end of the alley. "Aunt May!"

He used nearly all of his strength to drag his feet through the sticky, red liquid. He kept trudging along, a sharp pain in his left hip slowing him down. He was almost there.

"Peter!" He was close enough to see the tears streaming down her face. His aunt was tied to a chair, drenched in blood.

"May!" He finally reached her, and limped around to the back. He untied her from the chair, then walked around to the front, prepared to carry her home.

To his surprise, she stood up by herself.

"May? Aunt May, what did they do to you? Did they hurt you?"

She didn't reply. She looked... unnatural. Like someone from the Twilight Zone. Her eyes were glazed over and her usually expressive voice now spoke in a monotone fashion.

"Aunt May? Who did this to you?" He opened his mouth and took another step towards her.

"You did." Peter looked at her in confusion.

"Aunt May, what are you talking about?" A few beats of silence passed.

"It's all your fault. You didn't tell me you were Spider-Man." Peter's throat tightened up. Her voice droned on. "You didn't tell me you were out making enemies, not caring if they decided to get revenge on you by targeting me."

His eyes started to sting with tears. "May, that's not true! I kept my identity secret, I made sure that no one would make the connection between me and you-"

"You're wrong." May interrupted. "People know your secret identity. You let them know your identity."

Peter froze. It wasn't his fault that his identity had gotten out. Right? The lives of his friends and classmates were at stake. Peter had been up in the Washington Monument's elevator with the Decathlon team when the radioactive purple stone exploded. He had saved them, saved their lives. Sure, he had revealed his secret identity, but it was necessary. Right?

"They won't keep your identity secret." May's voice startled him from his internal monologue. "Your so called friends will just betray you and leave you, just like everyone else in your life. Everyone except for me." She paused, either to choose her next words carefully or for emphasis, he wasn't sure. "But now you've betrayed me Petey. You lie to me about your 'Stark Internship' and now you make a reckless decision to trust your classmates. You're putting their safety before mine!"

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now