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Peter was bored. He was in chemistry-his last class of the day-and was ignoring Mr. Harrington's boring lecture over elements and how they bond together. He'd already learned about this the week prior with Bruce in the lab and to say he was an expert by now would be an understatement. Currently Peter was texting Tony under his desk about what they should have for dinner, Tony said pizza and Peter said lasagna, when he was pulled back to the reality of his class with a nudge at his side. It was Ned.

"Dude?!?," Peter hissed in a hushed tone, "what was the for?"

"Mr. Harrington has and "important" announcement." Ned replied in an equally hushed tone.

"Class!" Mr. Harrington called for the students who had somehow managed to get rowdy in the time it took to him to pick up a stack of papers "I have some exciting news. We're going on a field trip this Friday!" The teacher said.

"Where are we going?" One of Peters classmate asked.

"Well," Mr. Harrington started, barely containing his excitement, "Were going to Stark Industries! Here's your permission slips. " He stated handing out the stack of papers he had previously picked up.

The class erupted into excited whispers about what they hoped to see there. Peter however was neither happy nor excited about the destination of said trip. Peter galnced over at Ned who was smiling ear to ear about the thought of getting to be in the same building as Tony Stark but when he locked eyes with Peter his smile quickly faded understanding his best friends dilemma. Peter had been living in Stark Tower for a little over 4 months. About 4 1/2 months ago Aunt May had contracted a serious illness due to working in the hospital and died shortly after, leaving Peter with no family and no where to go. Mr. Stark then took Peter to go live with him in the tower and the avengers soon became his new family, so the thought of his class going anywhere near his home terrified Peter. With a headache forming Peter let his head rest on his cool desk.

"Hey Parker!" Flash taunted from across the room, "you excited? Your lie is finally going to be exposed."

Just as Peter was about to snap at Flash Ned grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room given that the period was now over with a reminder to get the slip signed from Mr. Harrington.

"Ignore him, he's just jealous and you can prove him wrong on Friday."

"Thanks Ned." Peter said grimly but accepted his friends encouragement.

"So...what are you going to do? I mean it's not going to go unnoticed around school if our class finds out you live at the tower with the avengers. I mean it's awesome and all but that's a little more than just interning and-" Ned rambled on but stopped abruptly when he noticed Peters worried expression.

"I don't know Ned. I mean either I die from embarrassment or..." Peter thought for a second, "nope. That's the only possible outcome of this trip."

Peter sighed as he gathers his belongings from his locker. Ned felt bad for his friend as they walked out of the front of the school and spotted Happy's car waiting. Once they said their goodbyes an went thier sperate ways Peter walked to the car and came to the only reasonable he could think of.

Friday was going to be the death of him.


-Friday Morning-
Peter walked into school that morning, the signed permission slip weighing heavy in his bag, and prepared to turn it in.

In the days leading up to the trip Peter tried in vain to come up with an excuse as to why he couldn't go on the trip, but when Peter thought of non he asked Pepper to sign his slip and practically begged her not to tell the others. To make matters worse Flash somehow managed to get his number and was constantly sending his messages like "your not even good enough for an internship at a gas station much less SI", "Your a worthless liar Parker!", and "your nothing to Tony Stark, he's just using you to look good in the press".

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now