Sensory Overload

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( i decided to change the name from sick day to this)


friday : Spooder

karen : Spooder

  Flashback a/or end : Spooder  

  Sounds/ Screaming : Spooder  

p.s. this will mostly be in pete's pov! 


I-I don't feel so good... 

Y-you're Alright.

I don't- 

I don't know what's happening!...

I-I don't wanna go! Please! 

Spare me Please! 

Mr.Stark! Please i don't wanna go! 

I don't wanna go...


I'm Sorry...



I shot up, to find myself in class... Ughh... My head still hurts from this morning... and I fell asleep as well. I could already feel sweat drops on my forehead from the mini nightmare. I looked up at to see Mrs. Lindahl ( i just searched up a teacher genetor, cuz i for got his science teacher's name, lol) looking like a boiled crab. 

I swear her skin is like a cooked lobster ready to eat (sorry i just wanna eat some seafood right now😅), and holy smokes! There's freaking smoke coming out her ears and nose! Or... Is that just me? But still... if looks could kill, I would have died before I even got to see her face.

I turn my head to Ned for help, just to see him looking over at me with a sympathetic face. "Sorry bro, I tried to wake you up, but you just wouldn't get up!" Ned whisper quietly. Oh i'm so dead...


"Y-yes Mrs. Lindahl?" I shuddered, as I spoke. And man did I regret it, cause I swear from the corner of my eye, I saw Flash smirk.

"Tell me one reason why not to give you PAT Detention!" (My school(i'm in the middle school) have a thing where's it's called PAT detention- Physical-something-Time, its basically instead of "outside time", we get detention)

"I - I..... Uhhh..... Because I... I didn't mean to sleep, and I'm a good student???" Oh man... I wish I could just jump into a hole and NEVER come out...

"MR. PARKER! YOU'RE GOING TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!!!" She yells at me, while slamming her hand on the desk. I shut my ears hard, and hold my ears from the sound... Why life... why? Why must this be the month for me?

~Flash Back brought to you by Wade!~



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