The Embarrassing Feild Trip To HomeBlackberry_Moon

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Last class of the day and Peter Parker is bored. He can't wait to just go home and he would do patrol but he's honestly just too tired.

Ring Ring

Everyone all got up and headed to the doors. Mr.Harrington told them all to stop and everybody groaned then turned to look at him. " I have exciting news, we get to visit Stark Industries on Friday. Everyone come get a slip and get it signed, remember, no slip, no trip", Mr.Harrington said. Peter was not looking forward to this trip. The Avengers were going to embarrass him. He looked over to Ned who was trying to stifle a laugh. Once they both got their's they walked outside together by their lockers." Dude, they are so going to embarrass you", Ned laughed. " I know. What should I do, hide it?", Peter asked in desperation. "Yeah,right, like you could hide something from your family", Ned replied. " Guess I'll just have to give it to Pepper, then", Peter sighed. Ned and him walked outside until Ned had to take a different street. Peter was feeling absolute dread. He knew they would embarrass him.  


Once inside the Avengers Tower, he went into Pepper's office. Pepper looked up at him from her desk, smiled, and walked over giving him a hug. " Hey,Peter, how was school?, she asked. " Uh, it was fine. I've got this field trip on Friday and I was wondering if you could sign the slip for me", he said. " Yeah, sure, hon, where's it at?", Pepper asked as he handed it to her. "Oh, uh it's to here",he said awkwardly. "Why so disappointed? I'm sure it'll be okay", Pepper said, giving him a small smile and handing back the slip.Pepper gave him another hug and sent him off as she needed to go to a meeting.


Peter sat in his room trying to concentrate on homework when Tony poked his head in the room. "Hey, kid dinner's ready. Cap and Bucky made hamburgers", he said. Peter got up and walked over to him. Tony ruffled his before putting an arm around him. Peter sat in between Tony and Bruce and on the other side of the table sat Clint, Natasha,Steve,and Bucky. Once they all had food Natasha and Clint spoke in cinc. "So, field trip?", they said. Peter banged his head on the table. "Feild trip? To where?",Tony asked. If only Pepper was here and not at a meeting, Peter thought. "Oh, you know, to here", Natasha said. "Come on guys, don't embarrass me. It's hard enough as it is"Peter groaned. "Are you gonna have nightmares? Should I tuck you in tonight?", Bucky cooed. "It won't be bad, just a little fun", Steve added to everyone else's statements. " I don't know, don't go to hard on him. I need to go finish some stuff in the lab", Bruce said before leaving. They continued to playfully tease him until dinner was over.  

Peter lay in bed that night dreading going to school tomorrow. Then again he could prove to Flash that he's not lying about his intership.


Peter's brain was like a whirl pool as he trudged to school on Friday. Normally he walked with a rather quick pace but today he just wanted to prolong it. What will they do? Will they even interfere? All he knew is that it would be torturous. Way to soon he saw the bus and his teacher checking people off a list he had made. Peter sighed and jogged over to Mr.Harrington, handing him his slip. He ran a hand through his hair as climbed up the steps of the bus. Ned was sitting in one of the rows waving Peter over with a smile. "Hey, man, I'm sorry for you but for me this will be awesome!", Ned exclaimed. Peter gave a little smirk and said," Yeah, Yeah".

Peter felt his spidey sense flare before he was hit with a crumpled up piece of paper in the back of the head. "Hey,Penis! Can you get your good buddy, Tony to show up for us? Oh, sorry, forgot you were lying about the internship!",Flash snarked. Peter just rolled his eyes and turned back around. "Hey,Flash, you have to have all the coolest things right? Well guess what? There's this new thing called shutting up. You should try it", MJ said. Ned and Peter looked at looked at each other then MJ and started laughing.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now