Kissin' Dynamite crime_fighting_spiderling

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GUYS BE PREPARED THIS ONESHOT IS 19,509 WORDS LOOOOOONNGG!! So get comfy, get chips, pillows, whatever will make you stay still for a long time while reading! I hope you enjoy!

Peter knew he was on the brink of sleep. The cloudiness was blocking most of his enhanced senses as well as his thought process. It was keeping him from thinking so much, that he was practically unaware he was aware of these things.

A sharp and annoying noise kept penetrating the silence. Peter could tell it was a voice, but he couldn't decipher it. Maybe it was because he didn't want to in the first place.

Sometimes it would briefly stop, and Peter would have a moment of peace. But it would always continue right afterwards. The boy willed it to stop, it may have been one of the most annoying sounds Peter had ever heard.

As the voice continued on, the cloudiness in Peter's mind slowly seeped away. Peter finally registered all the information he'd been missing in his near sleep.

That was Mr. Larson's voice. Oh yeah, that meant he was in chemistry class. This class was so much fun, considering Peter's conscious state. He tried to fall back asleep as Mr. Larson droned on about something Doctor Banner had taught him a month ago when he was at the tower.

A few minutes later he could feel Ned nudging him. Peter mentally moaned but didn't ignore Ned, despite how much he just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Peter, you should probably take these notes, Mr. Larson said that it'll definitely be on the test." Ned informed him. "Also, we have homework on this."

"I can do this stuff in my sleep, what good would the notes be?" Came Peter's stubborn reply. He went back to resting his head on his head so he could rest.

MJ's snicker interrupted his attempt. "Well you're practically asleep now, so if you can do it in your sleep as you claim to be able to, then be a good boy and get the homework done now."

Peter opened his mouth to protest, but stopped before words came out. It generally wasn't the best idea to go against MJ. He grumpily picked up his pencil and lazily worked on the homework.

"There you go, you hobbledehoy." MJ teased him.

Peter and Ned both gave her strange looks. "What's that supposed to mean?" Peter asked her.

"Wow, you guys are seriously uneducated. It means you're awkward and gawky, loser." The girl explained. Peter gave her an offended expression.

"Ooh, she got you there." Ned told him. Peter huffed, deciding to ignore the two for the rest of class.

Peter noticed MJ reading a new book, which she was already halfway through, and a blank homework packet lying on her desk. He was slightly frustrated at her for being hypocritical, but decided not to mention it to her.

— — —

The bell had finally signaled the end of class, but Mr. Larson told everyone stay in their seats. It was supposedly for an "important announcement". There were several moans and protests, including one from Peter.

"Next Wednesday our class will have the opportunity to go to Stark Tower!" Mr. Larson announced. With that, the class erupted in excitement, everyone except for Peter and MJ.

Ned was still bouncing on his feet, even though he'd already been a few times. MJ hadn't been before, but then again, she also hadn't wanted to see the Washington Monument on their trip to DC. Peter slept there on the weekends, so for him, he was mostly feeling dread.

"Information on what we'll be touring is on the website for Stark Industries, and I'll give you all more information closer to Wednesday. The permission slips are on my desk." Their teacher added on.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now