I'm Sorry!!!(a story with a A/N)(made by Yousaydoctorisaywho)

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.... IM SOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYY!!!!!! i felt sooooooooo guilty not updating the story in quite a while... BUT! i didn't update cuz a lot of stuff is going on in my life and its realllllyyyy stressful... (im sorry) like on Saturday around 1:00 am one my my aunts got into a REALLY bad accident b/c of a stupid drunk and sleepy man. Thanks god tho she doesn't have any fatal injuries! I'm also moving next week out my home into a better one, so soon i wont have wifi to update, im also going through alot of stress from school, and im trying to bump up my grades.so i spend more time studying then working on the pt 2 of code black (soooorrryyy), also, when i do move into the new house, i may or may not have wifi for a couple of weeks, even maybe a month or two, since my mom is trying her all for the new house, and for me and my little brother. I'm also trying to help one of my best friends, and if not my BESSTTT friend go through a dark time in her life. So yeah... Again my really sorry about not updating... but i have one good news at least! Im starting to get way better then a couple of weeks ago, i still have a virus, in fact im pretty sure the same one that made me puke non stop, my now i only have a sore/dry throat( which is bugging me cuz i love to sing), and a stuffy nose. Again... im sooorryyyyy... But hey! At least i found a fanfiction for you all as a sorry 'story' i guess... 

Credits to Yousaydoctorisaywho on Ao3! Now let's get on with the (sorry) story shall we?


School is always rough for kids, especially when your parents have a certain reputation. Peter Stark, formerly known as Peter Parker, is one of those kids that has been facing issues. Ever since Aunt May passed away in an apartment fire, he was taken in by none other than Tony Stark himself. It was weird to say the least, and it really took Peter time to get used to. The day the accident happened, Peter had been out at school when the Principal called him in and broke the news. He didn't take it well and proceeded to run out of school ignoring the principal yelling at him to come back and the security officers chasing after him. He made it all the way to the apartment... but he was too late. All that was left were the remains of the building- pieces of metal were sticking up among the black ash that covered the perimeter of it. Peter had screamed out 'Aunt May' as he charged towards it but was yanked back by the police. He fought against them and even managed to elbow one of them in the face. Peter managed to escape for a second but suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around his chest as a sob ripped out of Peter's throat.

"It's okay, Pete, it's okay." A calming male voice whispered in his ear.

Peter shook his head violently and shifted in their arms to bury his face in their jacket, to reveal it was Tony. "No... no it's not."

Tony cleared his throat as he stared at the remains. "I know, but it will be."

A month went by and that was when Tony Stark hired the lawyers, filled the paperwork, and talked to Peter about the adoption. It was fast to put out the option of adoption after a kid loses someone they love, but it was either that, or the foster care problem. When you're a boy with super powers and now no more family left, life is a little crazier than others. It's been two months since everything had worked out. Although, the lawyers were hesitant of letting the infamous playboy and alcoholic man take guardianship over a sixteen-year-old boy. But after many visits to the Tower, and an interview with Peter, he was welcomed into the Stark family. It started off slow, and Tony completely understood that. He made Peter his own bedroom to which Peter had been surprised and slightly saddened because it made him remember his old room and items as well as the fact that all of it was gone. Peter was incredibly nervous about how this would be introduced at his school. They already had teased him before Aunt May's death since none of them really believed he had an internship with thee Tony Stark. So, now, Peter was already dreading returning to school. The news outlets weren't aware yet of the adoption so nobody at school knew... not even Ned and MJ and they're his best friends. Now that Peter's adjustment period has gotten better, he's gotten used to calling Tony 'dad' and walking around the Tower, talking to interns and helping them with projects or spending some quality time with the Avengers when Tony and he visit the compound. There are moments, however, where Peter's nightmares become too much to handle. Peter has gotten used to waking up from it and being held by Tony, who calmly reassures him that he's no longer in the dream. It ranges from him being trapped under a building, to watching his own aunt dying. Thankfully, the nightmares calmed down once Tony and Peter made it, so their rooms were right next door to one another. Unfortunately, the change didn't completely get rid of Peter's anxiety, so when his first day back to school came around, he was awoken yet again, with Tony pulling him close to his chest.

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