Peter Parker Pt 4 (by Forthelore)

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Chapter 4

Happy Hogan absolutely loved his blissfully silent days spent locked up inside his home. It was nice to be able to curl up on his couch with a good book while Downtown Abbey played in the background. He loved being able to sip at his coffee, or tea, or munch on a roll while the noise of the city bled into the noises from the screen. It was oddly soothing, and all too much for a Thursday afternoon.

Something wasn't right.

Oh no.

For one, Peter Parker was never silent, and had never, since the day Tony had given the boy his number...Peter Parker had never not blown up Happy's phone with ridiculous text messages of his after school vigilante-ing.

With mild panic settling in his sternum, Happy stood from his comfortable position and made his way over to the small table that sat just by the entryway. Worried brown eyes glanced down at the two cell phones that sat in the insurmountable silence.

Just to make sure, the older man tapped softly on the screens twice, waiting for them to light up and alert him to a message that he had missed receiving. Nothing came up.

No alert from P. Parker. Nothing from The Kid.

There were plenty of messages from Tony though; but it wasn't exactly uncommon for Happy to ignore him on his days off. Still, he grabbed both of his phones with a huff, before settling back down in his comfort zone.

Slowly, he flipped through the messages, taking the time to read and reply to each and everyone of them. Mostly, Tony was spazzing about some kind of break through with Steve, or was complaining about Pepper dragging him to one thing or another. Nothing that Happy could have deemed important; or would have rushed to reply to at any other point during his day off.

Nothing was a red arrow screaming at him that the Kid was up to something; and that was even worst.

Heaving a sigh, Happy found Peter's number in his phone before giving pause. Should he bother the kid? What if he really was doing nothing, and being a normal kid for once?

Nope. That wasn't how Peter Parker worked. He felt like he had an obligation to the city of New York even though they've never done anything for him. It didn't really make sense to Happy; the need to protect and help everyone that needed it. Especially when they would turn on him in the blink of an eye. And they didn't even know that the cruel words and whines and shots were all aimed at a teenager who was still trying to figure out who he was.

It was only seconds before Tony's name had popped up on his caller ID. Sliding his finger over the green button, the man put the phone to his ear with a fond sigh.

"Yes, Tony?" Happy rolled his eyes as he leaned his head back onto the cushion of his couch.
"Has the kid been quiet all day?" Tony's voice was full of anxiety. He hadn't been released completely from the med bay after the hit. The kid had demanded that he stay by his side for as long as the adults would allow him—until Tony had kicked him out with the demand that he go to school and continue his normal life. All Tony wanted, was for the kid to take a break. The past year had been crazy; May's mugging, the attack on the high school, the attack on the tower. The kid had been there for all of them, and Tony felt it necessary that Spidey lay low for a while. But laying low, did not require the kid to be quiet.

"Yeah, I don't know if that's a good thing though." Happy sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. Even when the kid was quiet, there was still something going on. There would always be some type of stress and anxiety attached to his very name.

"Of course it isn't a good thing, Happy. It's Pete. When is the kid ever quiet, huh?" Tony grunted to himself. In the background was a loud clang. The man could just imagine the billionaire as his brows lowered into a deadpan, before he turned and yelled incomprehensibly at one of the robots in his lab. It brings a smile to the man's face, but it can't reach his eyes.

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