Happy ThanksGiving! One-Shot

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ANYWAYSSSS.... this one-shot was a school assignment(since we had to write a random story about thanksgiving or somethin), and i wanted it to be useful for this book, so ur welcome, you guys should thank my school(plz dont, side with me, not the prison like school)!




Today was the day. The day Peter was waiting for....


He couldn't wait to go back to the tower. You see, Peter had just become an official avenger, and Tony promised him that on thanksgiving, there were going to have a party just for him.


"Peter, let's go!" Ned pulled peter and MJ by their hands, and ran towards the shiny silver Ferrari LaFerrari. Which held a person named Happy, but to be honest... He never smiles...

'Sloooowww down Ned... My head is spinning!" Peter said in a sarcastic voice.

"Then I wonder how you handle it when you web around the city." MJ said rolling her eyes at peter.

Peter just stuck out his tongue and jumped into the car. As they drove off, Peter, and his best friends, well... more like only Ned, while MJ is listening to BTS, but whatever, they were talking about how fun the party was going to be. They couldn't wait. And for Happy, he wasn't happy at all from all the noise in the car.

~Time Skip~

"Okay were here, make sure not to spill, cough, scream, talk, actually, you know what, why not just go at all to the party." Happy said as he opened the doors for Peter, Ned, and MJ.

Peter looked at Happy. "Happy, this party is for me, I can't just not come."

"I know, just don't make a mess." Happy said.

"I got it!" Peter then pulled his friends into the tower. Happy just smiled, got back in the car, and drove off.

Peter's POV

As we walked into the tower, I saw shuri talking with one of the interns.

"SHURI!" I yelled to her. She quickly whipped her head towards me, and her smile literary reached her eyebrows.

"PETER!" We started running towards each other. Then something clicked in my head. I giggled, and ran the opposite way, meaning I was running away from her. She started to giggle as well, when she understood what I was doing.

"AAaaAaaaAAaAahhhHhHHHH!!!" I faked screamed, slowly running, looking back at her, while laughing. She then started to speed walk after me.

"Why are you running? Why are you running?!" She laughed out, we both then started laughing. By now, everyone was looking at us with either giggling faces, or confused one. Ned and Mj walked over.

"Is that like a meme welcome back thingy?" MJ said when she finally came over.

Shuri then went up to MJ "Yeah, we do it all the time!"

"So do want to talk about how women are better than men at being CEO's and stuff?" Shuri said with a grin.

"Sure why not, your information could help me run over the world." MJ said as she took out her sketchbook.

"Please don't take over the world, because I already know you're going to ban legos." Ned pounted.

"Well of course my lego friend. So that you wouldn't bug me with lego sets anymore. Whelp, see you guys later." MJ and Shuri then walked away.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now