This is the worst timeline Hittinmiss

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Maybe he should actually go to more Decathlon meetings, wait an extra hour before going out on patrol. Maybe then he wouldn't be stuck in this situation.

Apparently, since the team won a major national competition, the school was going to reward the team's success with a field trip to a destination of their choice.

As luck would have it, Peter needed to leave early, telling Ned he couldn't make it to the team meeting before he rushed out of the school to change into his costume and head downtown to help out.

He wasn't even aware of what was going to happen until some messages pinged in from Ned.

Chair Dude: I have some good news and some bad news

Chair Dude: good news is you didn't miss any training for decathlon

Chair Dude: bad news is that they decided the field trip without you ://

Man of Spiders: why is it bad news??

Chair Dude: because Flash decided to pick the compound and no one said no so...

Man of Spiders: Dude why didn't you say no???

Chair Dude: I would have been out voted Dude!

Chair Dude: I also wanna see the compound as well so yeet

Man of Spiders: honey,,,, I trusted you,,,

Man of Spiders:

Chair Dude: that's so sad Karen play despacito

Chair Dude: they're gonna get the forms out tomorrow and the trips Friday

Man of Spiders: shit like no time to tell the avengers to like, not speak to me during this trip

Chair Dude: what do u mean? U have like 2 days???

Man of Spiders: have you tried getting a hold of half of them???

Man of Spiders: I'm screwed

Chair Dude: rip

Two days later

AcaDec Squad

Fastest Man Alive:
hey penis @parkour are you ready to fukin die of embarrassment

Parkour: how??

Fastest Man Alive: that ur lie of being Stark's intern will be found out obviously duh

MoonMoon: flash have u ever considered that Peter was telling the truth? Like, at all?

Bon Jovi: I mean,,, I don't even remember there being applications for a stark internship so...

Fastest Man Alive: get ready Penis

Mmm Whatcha J: sounds like a euphemism

Parkour: wow I am soo excited


The trip over to the compound felt like hell to Peter. He had Ned beside him, eagerly chatting away about the compound and MJ sitting in front of them, clearly trying to be uninterested in the talk, reading her book. Key word being trying since she smiled every so often at Ned's remarks.

Peter was really just hoping he wouldn't be outed as Spider-Man by the Avengers. That would just make a bad day worse.

The minibus for the Decathlon team pulled out by the front of the compound, Peter, thankfully, not seeing anyone super outside. The others, sans him and MJ, all rushed off the bus, eager for the trip.

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