Young Spider-man voidchivk

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You know it's a rough day whenever watching up zip tied to a chair is the highlight of your day. But compared to having Flash Thompson run over his chemistry yet book, falling asleep in math class, and getting tossed into a blue, other dimensional portal by an experiment gone rouge at Stark Industries, the chair at least had a nice cushion for his spider butt.

Look, it wasn't his fault that the old Parker Luck seemed to be amplified wherever he went on field trips. Honestly, touring Stark Industries barely even counted as a field trip for him considering his "internship" with Mr. Stark. But no, whenever Peter went somewhere else during school hours that wasn't Midtown, Peter was doomed.

All he wanted was a nice, relaxing day, but nooooo, the moment he stepped into the building, everthing always goes to shit. When the warning alarms started blaring, there was a split second where he considered listening to that little voice of reason inside his head, the one that was saying "Don't be an idiot, Parker. Run away like everything else!" However, Peter just ignored that voice (which might have been his common sense) and bolted for the nearest janitors closet.

Once his suit was one, Spider-man charged up the stairs until he reached the floor where things went to hell, which he assumed was the problem floor thanks to the giant blue vortex swirling in the center. All the faculty had already fled the scene, save one larger, middle aged man who frantically was trying to regain control of the situation. He didn't even seem to notice Spider-man when he ran into the room (which Spidey would have considered rude if there hadn't been, you know, a giant swirling vortex of probably death nearby). When he reached the controls, the man barely sparred any breath for Spider-man (again, rude) except to say "Hand me that wretch on the table to your left."

Not knowing what else to do, Spiser-man picked up the wretch and handed it to the man who's name tag said "Max Modell" (name tags were a necessity for every Stark employee, considering Happy's obsession with them). After Max was done with the wretch, he motioned for Spider-man to come closer. Max then pointed at a control panel on the other side of the room, a mere foot away from the edge of the vortex.

"See that, Spider-man?" Max asked. "That's the source of all our problems. Somehow, a switch was flipped in that control box that shouldn't have been, which sparked the vortex to open. I warned everyone that we shouldn't mess with Chitauri tech without an intense study beforehand, but does anyone ever listen to good ole Max Modell? You can bet your ass that's a no. I swear, if I survive this, I'm going to start my own thing, maybe call it like horizon labs."

"Mr. Modell-" Spider-man was cut off before he could finish.

"Please, Mr. Modell was my father call me Max."

"Ah Max, as interesting as this all is, isn't there a giant fricking portal we need to take care of? What do you need me to do?"

Max adjusted his glasses. "Look, all you need to do is get over to that control panel over there, flick the second switch, and the portal should be no more. But make sure to look out for any-"

Spider-man rushed into action before Max could complete his sentence. Whatever he had wanted to say couldn't have been that important, right? He webbed himself to the ground to help counteract the pull of the portal as he used the proportional strength of a spider to rip the cover off the control panel. Quickly, he located the second switch and hit it. In an instance, the vortex collapsed in on itself, leaving nothing but a discomforting silence and the feeling that fixing the vortex had been way to easy.

While he was turning towards Max to give him a thumbs up, things unsurprisingly went to hell. The portal reopened, with a greater intensity, and pulled Spider-man in as Max shouted "I tried to warn you about the aftershock."

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now