Peter Parker (By Forthelore)

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Chapter One: May

May's day had been a hectic mess from the very beginning.

Her alarm had failed to go off, but her nephew had been a sweet heart and woke her up on time anyway. She had floundered to get up and dressed for work. Breakfast hadn't even been a thought as she stepped down into the subway just in time to get on the train.

Actual work hadn't been any better.

Upon her arrival, a patient had coded. She typed her numbers into the time clock and raced to grab a crash cart.

And of course it was Mrs. Stalinski; an elderly woman who had been sick for quite some time. She had never had a single visitor, but had grown on May. In all of her free time, she would sneak in to see the old woman and make sure she was comfortable. She, as any nurse should, had gone above and beyond to make sure everything went well for the woman. And in return, Mrs. Stalinski told her stories from the early thirties. She had survived World War II; she had been a German nurse that had gone against Hitler. She had to sneak onto an out bound ship in an Italian port in order to get to safety in America.

The doctor and nurses on scene had done all that they could, but the elderly woman couldn't be resuscitated.

May had to excuse herself and sneak off to one of the equipment closets in order to get herself back together.

Of course this was all something she would keep from Peter. When he'd ask, and he would without a doubt, how her day was, she would tell him that it was great! Everything at work was going just how she wanted, even if she was just extra tired. She would never tell her nephew about all of the death and negativity she faced on a daily basis as a nurse.

"May, you need to go on break!" Becca, the head nurse and team lead, called from the station. Her greying brown hair was tugged back into a tight ponytail, but the warmth and worry that radiated from her eyes told a different story. On the outside, Becca made sure that everyone thought she was a not shit taking lead. But when someone actually took the time to get to know her, they would find that Becca was a very kind and caring person. She had just had a hard life, and it showed.

"You sure? It's five to one tonight..." May worried her lip as she glanced down at the charts that were in her bucket. One of the other nurses would have to cover at least two of her rounds if she left the hospital. But her stomach was growling and the deli up the street was definitely calling her name. And besides, she could use some time away from the hospital and everything it held. It would be nice to get out and have lunch away from all of the sick and dying people.

Hell, she could even call Peter and have him meet her at one of the restaurants. It was a Saturday after all, and they never really got to eat out too often. But she still had a bit of extra money in the bank, and payday was just around the corner.

Deciding it was a good idea, she pulled out her phone and hit Peter's name. It rang three times before the familiar voice entered through the reciever.
"Hey May!" Explosions sounded off in the background, and for just a moment panic overtook May. Was Peter out fighting right now? Had he taken the time to answer her even if he was being attacked? She would kill Tony if he was the one who had a 'mission' for her baby boy! "Ned! Ned! Hit pause man!"

A sigh of relief escaped her. Nope. He was just watching Star Wars with his best friend. Some days, she was grateful that her nephew was such a big nerd. It had really been a blessing when he was growing up.

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