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The field trip was something Peter had been looking forward to for awhile. He already knew everything about the Stark Tower and had access to all the floors, so he figured he'd be able to sneak away and hangout with Tony and the rest of the Avengers, which was far more appealing than school.

"Can you introduce me to the Scarlet Witch?" Ned excitedly asked as they loaded on the bus. "Or the Black Panther! Is he there? Dude, tell me he's there."

Peter laughed. "T'Challa is back at Wakanda, man. He is king."

"Your life is so cool," Ned said as he shook his head in disbelief.

"But everyone is actually really excited to meet you."

Ned's eyes got impossibly wider. "Th-they know about me?"

"Yeah, man! You're my guy in the chair. Who else would I tell them about?" He nudged Ned's shoulder, and Peter felt a surge of affection towards his best friend.

Ned was grinning wildly. "Today is going to be perfect." Peter just smiled back.

"Welcome back, Peter," FRIDAY's voice rang as he walked into the building and Peter instinctually replied with, "Hey, FRIDAY."

He turned and saw his peers looking at him with confused expressions. "I- uh, I have an internship here, remember?"

Flash scoffed. "You mean you weren't lying about that? Wow, I'm shocked. I doubt anyone actually living will know you even are, though."

It took about five minutes before Flash realized he was horribly, horribly mistaken.

"Peter!" Steve Rogers called out with Bucky Barnes at his side. "Tony told us your class was coming in. That's fun."

"You're Captain America! And- you're the Winter Soldier!" Flash sputtered, beyond confused. "But how do you know Parker?"

Steve cocked his head. "We work with Pete all the time." He turned towards Peter. "Anyways, come by tonight after school's out. Bruce is making lasagna."

Peter's face scrunched up. "Do we really trust him to cook real food?"

"Nope. That's why you'll be bringing the take-out over when you're out of class." He walked over at handed Peter a hundred dollar bill. "Just grab whatever when you're on your way."

"Will do," Peter said with a little laugh.

"Okay, go back to your learning and whatnot. Bye, Peter, bye Peter's class." He paused right before he left and pointed at Ned. "Guy in the chair?"

Ned nodded frantically. "Yes, sir, Mr. Captain America, sir."

"You come by too." With that, the duo walked away.

Peter thought that the look on Flash's face was enough to keep him going for at least the next few months.

It wasn't until about halfway through the day that everything went to shit.

"Welcome to my lair! Or you could call it an office, whatever floats your boat," Tony said when the class entered the room. "Pretty standard stuff. FRIDAY, will you please play the presentation video I put together?"

"Sure thing, boss."

"Come on, kiddos. Gather around." The students all grouped together, trying to get closer to the wall that just turned into a screen, except for Peter, who stayed back.

About a third of the way through the video, Tony walked up to Peter. "How's it going, Pete? Everyone blown away by how awesome I, and everything I own, am?" he muttered.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now