Peter's school trip to hell (a.k.a stark towers) Random__Fangirl

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Remember To check out Random__Fangirl On A03 and @Random--Fangirl on wattpad!

Here's the link to here one-shots:

And here profile! :

Now let's get on with the One-shot!


Today was a beautiful day sun was shining, the birds are chirping. There were no alien invasions. There were no near-death snarios and for once in his life Peter Parker was having a great, relaxing day.

Flash hadn't talked to him all day and not once that horrible nickname penis Parker been yelled through the hallways. Today is going great.

This oddly amazing, wonderful day had started when he had woken up to his very own room in the tower. At first peter thought it was odd living with the Avengers and he nearly had a Fanboy attack ( he still does) every time he came across one of them walking down the hallway. But peter realized, as he stared at his red and blue walls (spider themed of course) how comfortable he had become with his new makeshift family. Even if that said family was one assassin, two super soldiers, two bird themed Heroes, a man who flies around in a metal suit, a scientist with an anger issue and occasionally not one but two Norse Gods.

Soon after peter woke up he threw on a worn-down pair of clothes and followed the scent of breakfast down to the kitchen. When he got there he found Steve had made his favorite breakfast. Steve smiled down at the young boy "how's it going peter, I made your favorite."

Peter didn't respond he was too busy fanboying. Captain America himself, the hero who freed war vets survived plane crashes and saved the world more times than peter can count had made him a plate of poached eggs and bacon.

Much to his growing horror peters mouth manged to rapidly breath out "G - good M - morning Captain America sir a - are you having a good day cuz I know I am I-I mean it's not everyday i wake up to my favorite breakfast, and its even cooler that you made it. not to sound crazy but I mean I'm a big fan of yours, annnnnnnnd I should probably shut up".

Peter snapped his mouth closed and muttered to himself "way to not make a fool of your self Parker, you have known the guy for months now and this is what you do Everytime you see him." Luckily Steve just laughed it off and handed him a heaping plate of food. After peter had wolfed down several man-sized servings he ran up his room to get ready for school.

As peter searched through his closet pulling out shirt after shirt he was rapidly growing confused as to why he had so many shirts and muttering to himself about it.
"Red shirt? no." "Blue shirt? no." "Black shirt? no." "Plaid shirt? do I look like a whinchester?" "Band t-shirt? Why do i even own that I haven't been to a concert in years?" "Why do I have so many shirts that I don't like? And why is it so hard to get dressed?" And finally "Aha, perfect" he yells as a pulls out a science pun t-shirt. It was one of his favorite t-shirts it read 'why should you never trust an atom? Because they make up everything.' smiling and pulling it up over his head, peter looked into the mirror to make sure that it was covering up his suit underneath. Happy with how he looked, he slipped on his web shooters and made his way to school.


Now he sat in his science class listening to one of his favorite teachers Mister Roberts lecturing the class about some biology course (peter really wasn't listening that well). For once in his life he was relaxed and happy, content with the day. But once again Parker luck striked at the worst time ever.

Mr. Roberts had finished his lesson By now and was making the announcements of what was to happen for the next week or so of School and peter was barely listening when he said "next week I plan to special surprise for you we are going to have our first field trip of the year" but it was his second sentence that got a response out of him.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now