Peter Parker pt 2(by Forthelore)

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Chapter Two

Ned sighed as he entered the school's gates. He could already tell, just by the gray clouds that loomed over New York, that today was going to be miserable. Hell, he probably knew before his alarm had even gone off because of the way that Peter had acted the day before. With his new found powers, his best friend had an outstanding ability to read the weather and days and guess how they were going to go.

That was probably why the brunette was sulking outside on the steps. His face contorted with worry, and his thin hands linked under his chin. His mind was obviously off somewhere far away, and it would be up to Ned to bring him back to earth before class. And that was if he didn't lose him again on his way in to class.

"Peter!" The larger boy chirped excitedly as he settled himself beside his friend. Peter jumped a bit glancing up as if he hadn't been expecting the larger boy to sit next to him. Ned sighed softly glancing him over and pursing his lips. "Everything okay? You seem..." He motioned to Peter with a flap of his hand. "Down?"

"Fine," Peter smiled tightly. His posture said he was anything but, however, Ned wasn't going to force him to tell him. That wasn't the way to get Peter to open; something Ned had learned many years ago. He had learned it again when Ben died, and it was a lesson he wouldn't forget. When he had begged Peter to open up to him, the brunette simply shut down more, and Ned had no doubt it was because of his parents and the loss that he had suffered long before he knew his best friend.

"Alright..." Ned sighed softly glancing every so often at his friend. The minutes passed by with awkward silence; not exactly common, but not uncommon either. It was always there on the worst of days—the days where Peter's senses were so high strung that just the whispers across the court yard sent him flinching. Ned tugged out his headphones, and after making sure they were disconnected from his cellphone, handed them to his friend. Peter glanced up softly, a look of grateful relief spread across his features.

"You're the best," He mumbled softly rubbing a hand over his face. A small smile worked its way to his mouth as he tugged the headphones on and tucked the wire inside of his shirt. His shoulders drooped forward in relief as he rested his head on his friends shoulder.

"I know," Ned chuckled letting the brunette rest until the bell run and alerted them to the start of school. "C'mon! You can't be late to class again, or your Aunt is going to lay out Tony Stark. And as amusing as I would find it, I don't think Tony would let you live that down for a while."

Peter simply nodded with a warm smile before following him into the school. Students bumped into them in their rush to their own classes without so much as a passing apology. It was weighing heavily on the taller of the two boys, but Ned did his best to ground the boy to the now.

Hell, after dropping Peter off at his first class, he had messaged Happy to let him know.

Of course, there was no reply. Ned had always been met with only silence from Tony Stark and his head of security. He wasn't as important as Peter was; and even then it was only Peter sometimes. Tony preferred Spiderman to Peter, and Ned knows Peter noticed it.

There had been a week where Ned had to deal with the taller, and slightly older boy, moping around dramatically. It was right after the whole Vulture ordeal, and Peter was having a hard time coping. He had gone to May about it, but she had been upset herself and probably didn't handle it the best. She adored his antics now, but back then...

And Peter hadn't really heard too much from Mr. Stark. That had hurt the boy tremendously, even if he wasn't bound to admit it.

Ned was obsessed with Peter's life.

Because if he wasn't, then who would be?

It wasn't like Ned didn't have some pretty amazing things going on in his own life. He did. He actually had a date coming up with Natalie—a girl he had met online that went to school in Brooklyn. They had gotten quite close, contacting each other over text message and messenger when necessary. She had initially approached him after reading a few of his blog pieces about Spiderman.

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