Us || YoonKook Romantic Drabble

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I spent most of the morning at the piano. The soft melody was echoing throughout the quiet house. I wasn't playing any song in particular, instead I was just improvising. I did that often. I would get so wrapped up in whatever I was playing it was like I was in my own world. I'd often forget where I was.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around quickly and relaxed when I realized it was Jungkook. "You shouldn't scare me like that," I snapped. It came out colder than I originally intended, but if he noticed he didn't say anything. He just sat a mug down on the table beside me and took a seat in the couch. I sighed and mentally cursed at myself for being rude. I got up and sat down beside him and took his hand in mine. "Hey," I whispered softly.

Jungkook gave me a weak smile. "Hey there," He said back. "You didn't have to stop playing."

I pulled him closer to me and kissed his forehead. "I don't mind stopping for you." I smiled at him and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "I'm sorry I snapped at you."

He kissed my cheek. "You're fine. Now go play. I love listening to you." He gave me a little push.

I rolled my eyes and smirked at him. "Fine," I said softly. "Anything for you." Jungkook chuckled and I felt my heart flutter in my chest. He had an amazing laugh. I took my seat back at the piano and took a sip out of the mug Jungkook had given to me before starting play again.

I glanced over at Jungkook who was now hanging upside down on the couch as he watched me play. He gave me a big, playful bunny smile and I smiled myself and shook my head as I turned back around to face the piano. After a minute or two I could hear Jungkook humming along softly to the music. I could listen to his voice for hours. I closed my eyes and continued to play and couldn't help but envision Jungkook and I dancing around the house as we had done so many times before. I never wanted to but Jungkook would turn up record player and beg me with his big, adorable eyes. I always relented. I could never say no to him, and I secretly loved it. I loved having him in my arms even when I didn't act like it.

I smiled at the thought. I should surprise him and ask him to dance, I thought to myself. That would make him happy.

I turned around to ask him when I realized he was no longer on the couch. I got up and searched through the house but he wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere. I was overridden with frustration as I walked into our bedroom. Then I found it: the letter Jungkook had given me the day he left.

All the memories came flooding back. The memories of our fight. Jungkook was begging me to just talk to him and open up to him. I yelled at him and told him he just didn't get me. I could remember the coldness of my words and the pained look in Jungkook's eyes. I don't even remember what he said next, I was so wrapped up in my own anger I wasn't even listening. Jungkook tried to grab my hands he tried to hug me, and I pushed him away. Hard. So hard he fell back against the wall and hit his head.

I winced at the thought. I had hurt him. I hurt him and he left me.

I swore I heard his laugh and I ran into the living room full of excitement. He was back. He was back and I could apologize. I could tell him how sorry I was and how much I loved him, but I got there the room was empty and the house was silent.

I screamed and threw the first the I grabbed against the wall. It didn't help. Nothing helped.

I clenched my jaw and sat back down at the piano. My escape. Without thinking I just started playing. It was the only thing I could do. I closed my eyes and envisioned Jungkook. I envisioned us. Us dancing together. Us laughing together. Us being together.

I couldn't handle the loneliness I felt if I wasn't playing. I couldn't handle remembering what I had done. I couldn't handle him being gone. So instead I played his favorite song and thought of us. I imagined he was here and that we were happy.

I don't remember how long I sat there and played. 

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