Thanks For Today || Jungkook One Shot

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"Kookie-ah!" Li shouted as she carefully waddled over to me in her new ice skates. "I don't know why I let you talk me into this." She slipped as she approached me and grabbed onto my shoulders. We both laughed as she steady herself. "You're always convincing me to do something crazy." She smiled at me and held onto the bar that was behind us.

"You've had fun every time," I said with a smirk. "And you're going to love this!" I held out my hand and she put her tiny hand in mine. Her hand was surprisingly warm considering it was freezing outside. "You ready?" I asked her. She nodded and I slowly started skating on the ice. At first, Li wobbled a lot and she even fell a few times but within fifteen minutes she was skating like a pro. The way she glided across the ice was incredible. I couldn't help but feel proud. "I'm gonna let go of your hand," I told her with a wink and let her go before she could protest.

She didn't even fall, it was like she was made to ice skate. She had the biggest smile on her face as she carefully placed one foot in front of the other. "Kookie I'm doing it," she squealed and I couldn't help but smile at my best friend. She put her hands up in the air, tried to do a little spin, and begun to lose her balance.

"Be careful," I called as I raced over to her just as she slipped again and fell on her butt. When I reached her she was laughing so hard tears were coming out of her eyes. "Are you alright?"

She nodded, grabbed onto my arm, and I picked her back up. "That's what I get for trying to be fancy." Some music started playing from the speakers surrounding the park and Li looked over at me happily. "Dance with me!" She took both my hands and we started skating again. She loved dancing. Li always had so much energy it was like she was a little kid, but I loved that about her. She was always so happy and never let anything bother her. I'll never forget her response when I asked her why she was always so full of happiness and positivity. It had become a personal motto of mine.

As you share happiness, it multiplies. But if you share sadness also, it multiplies too.

She was the biggest believer in leaving her footprint wherever she went and she wanted it to be a positive print. She wanted to be a positive influence on everyone.

As it started to get dark we finished skating and grabbed some food before sitting on park bench near the ice. Li loved the simple things, so food trucks were here favorite places to eat. She was humming along softly to the song playing from the speakers as she ate.

"You are actually adorable," I told her as i nudged her with my elbow. "Thanks for coming ice skating with me."

"I'll always go on adventures with you, Kookie," she said with a smile. We quickly finished eating and tossed our trash in the trash can just as it started snowing softly. Li looked up and held out her hand and giggled as the snow melted when it hit her hand. "Isn't it beautiful?" She asked me.

I smiled and my eyes never left hers as I whispered, "it sure is." She blushed and took my hand in hers. We walked quietly around the ice and enjoyed the sight of the snow falling. The only lights were a few street lamps that came on once the sun went down. Li had never looked more beautiful than she did then: snow falling all around her and a single light reflecting in her big eyes.

"This has been great" she said to me softly as she gathered some snow in her hands. She threw it up in the air and laughed as it fell around her. "This is exactly what I needed." She gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. "You're the greatest friend I've ever had."

I couldn't help but smile at her. She was something else and I was so glad I had her in my life.

"Look at that," she said pointing behind me.

I turned around but couldn't see anything, and then I felt wet mush hitting my neck and I yelled at how cold it was. I turned back around to see Li giggling and running to hide behind a tree. I smirked. "Oh you're gonna pay for that!" I stepped behind a tree near me and gathered as much snow as I could.

When I stepped back out she was one step ahead of me and another snowball pelted my face. I chuckled and tossed my snowball at her. It skimmed the side of her face and I she said something about how close I was.

We continued our snowball fight until both of us were too tired to continue. "I call a truce!" I pleaded with a laugh as I dropped my last snowball on the ground.

She dropped hers as well and tried to catch her breath. "You're—fast," she said in between breaths.

"Lots of practice," I said with a smile. I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and we made our way back to the car.

"Thanks for today," Li said as I opened the car door for her. She looked out around us and I took that moment to appreciate the scenery. The snow was beautiful and enough had fallen that there was a light covering of white on the street. The moon was full and shined brightly in the sky casting a small light around us. Li had a curious expression on her face as she took my hand. "Thank you for making today great."

I kissed her forehead. "Anything for my best friend," I whispered to her softly. She got in the car and I shut the door behind her. Today was amazing, I thought to myself. Here's to more good days.

We were both smiling the whole way home. 

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