Your Name || Jimin One Shot

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Madison had worked at the same small coffee shop for as long as she could remember. For hours a day she put on her best smile, and pretend like she had nothing better to do than make coffee for the people who came in everyday. At first, it was just a job so that she could have some extra money, but now she needed the job to put her through school. It was an unfortunate reality, but it wasn't all bad. Madison worked with some of the best people she had ever met, and they made coming into work everyday completely worth it.

Today, however, was going to be the day that really tried her patience. Her boss was out of town, and she had left Madison in charge of the shop. The task itself was simple enough; Madison had done it plenty of times before. She knew this place like the back of her hand. The difference for today was that her boss neglected to tell her, until the day before she left, that the store had been rented out by some company for a photo shoot and she'd be the only person in the store. Madison hated working private events; the people were always snoody or acted like they were better than everyone else. She knew it would take everything in her power to bite her tongue for the day.

She got to the shop early to make sure that everything was in pristine condition. The moment she walked in she was hit with the usual smell of coffee beans that seemed to be glued to the building. She sighed and grabbed her apron, tying it carefully around her waist before grabbing a mop bucket and going over the floors one last time.

The bell at the top of the door rang as it opened. "Could you let whoever is in charge know that BigHit has arrived please ma'am?"

She turned around to face the man who spoke to her, and put a smile on her face. "That would actually be me, sir."

He made a face that Madison couldn't quite read. "Oh," he said carefully. "I thought you were the custodian."

Madison bit the inside of her cheek and took a deep breath. "No, I'm the store manager. I was just going over the floors once more to be sure they were perfect for your shoot. How can I be of assistance?"

"My apologies," the man said with a slight bow. "Could you make some coffee for the boys? Any kind will do."

Madison nodded and put the away the mop bucket before heading behind the front counter to start the drinks. She worked quietly as the crew came in and set everything up for the photoshoot. They worked quickly, and in a few minutes everything was set up. The seven boys made their way inside and Madison immediately recognized them. BTS, possibly the most popular Korean pop group at the current moment in time. She had listened to several of their songs, but she wasn't quite as obsessed as so many of her other friends seemed to be.

She focused on making her coffee, and didn't even notice that one of the boys had walked up to her. "Thanks for coffee," he said softly. She almost dropped the creamer in her hands. When she looked up at him, it was like her whole world stopped. She recognized the boy as Jimin, but she was completely floored at how handsome he was. He flashed her a smile and chuckled to himself. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Madison cleared her throat, and gently sat the creamer down on the counter. "You're fine," she replied. "I just wasn't expecting you to come over here and speak to me." She gave him a small smile in return, and continued making the coffee. She expected Jimin to walk away and go talk with the other members, but instead he sat down in front of her on a bar stool and rested his head on his hands.

"I'm Jimin," he said happily as he watched her prepare the drinks.

Madison nodded. "I know," she told him not looking away from the coffee maker. "You're pretty famous."

"So you've heard of us?"

She shrugged like it was no big deal. "Yep. My friends are obsessed with you guys."

He raised an eyebrow. "And how about you?"

She cleaned off the counter and grabbed some coffee cups from underneath. "I've heard a few songs. You guys are pretty good." She looked up from the counter and her eyes met his. He was looking at her with a curious expression on his face. She blushed and ducked back under the counter as if she was looking for something.

"You're the first person I've met who hasn't been head over heels for us," he said softly.

"I'm sorry," Madison found herself saying. She pulled out a few different flavors of creamer and sat them out in a single line.

"It's actually refreshing," Jimin said back. He watched her silently for another moment as she continued to prep for the coffee. "You have pretty eyes," he whispered to her.

She almost didn't catch it. She was sure that she had misheard, and her eyes flew to his. A smile spread across his face and he lean toward her. Their faces were merely inches apart. Then the coffee maker started dinging. Madison immediately backed up and turned away from him. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself so that she could pour the coffee. It took all of her concentration not to spill it and make a mess, but she managed to fill each coffee cup without a drop falling onto the countertop.

She placed each one on the counter in front of Jimin. "I don't know what specific creamers you all like, so here are several." Jimin whistled to the other guys and they all came up and grabbed a cup. Each one gave their own various form of thank you, and headed back over to the crew. Jimin stayed behind for a moment. "How long are you open today?"

"We're only open until you guys are done here. We're usually closed on Sunday's." Madison started cleaning up and one of the crew members called for Jimin. He nodded back at them and held up a finger. "I think they need you now," Madison said softly.

"They can wait one moment," He said with a smirk. "Would you like to have dinner with me when this is over?"

Madison stopped what she was doing and looked over at him with wide eyes. "I-I'm sorry?"

"Have dinner with me," he said again as he took a sip of his coffee. "This is delicious by the way." He smiled down at her. "So what do you say?"

"S-sure thing," Madison blurted out. She wasn't entirely sure it was a good idea, but how often does a celebrity ask you out? "Sounds nice."

"Great!" Jimin said excitingly. "Your name?"

"Hmmm?" Madison asked. She was deep into her thoughts and didn't really hear the question.

"Your name," Jimin repeated with a laugh.

"Oh, it's Madison." 

BTS One Shots and Flash Fictions (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now