Happy New Year || Jimin Drabble

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I was bundled from head to toe in the warmest clothes I could find in my closet, and even still I was freezing cold. Even with the thousands of people surrounding me, all I could feel was the cold wind cut against my face. I didn't care though. I was surrounded by the beautiful lights of Times Square, New York with the most important person in my life, Park Jimin.

I had no idea why I let this man drag me across the United States in order to see the ball drop in the freezing cold, but he seemed so excited when he told me we were going that I couldn't say no. I could never say no to him.

I smiled up at the sky and I felt his fingers intertwined with mine. The warmth from his hand sent a shock through my body that was all to familiar. Even though we were in the big city I could still see all the stars in the sky. It was a beautiful night despite the cold. We were one of thousands of people anxiously waiting for the ball to drop, and surprisingly we had gotten a pretty good spot. We could see everything. I was actually pretty excited.

I shivered and Jimin wrapped his arms around me. "I told you to wear more layers, Jagiya," he whispered into my ear with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and smiled up at him. "I would've looked huge." I stuck my tongue out at him. "I was trying to look nice for you."

"Hannah," he said to me with a serious look his face. "You will always look amazing to me." He kissed my cheek and tightened his arms around my waist. "I just don't want you to get sick."

"I'll be fine, Jiminie." I placed my arms over his. "Don't worry so much."

"I always worry about you," he said softly. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine."


"Three minutes left," I said to him with a smile. I looked around at the many people surrounding us. "Are you ready fo the new year?"

"I'm ready for anything as long as I'm with you." He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.

I couldn't help but blush at his words. He was the sweetest man I had ever met, and I couldn't believe he choose to spend His time with me. "You're too sweet, Jimin."

"It's just the truth," he reminded me. "I wouldn't want to be standing out in the cold with anyone else."


All together everyone started counting down the seconds. Each voice was so loud it was nearly impossible to hear myself, but that didn't matter. All that mattered is that I was standing there with the one man who meant everything to me. The one guy who made me feel so safe and happy.

"Five, four, three, two, one: HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Jimin spun me around and before I knew it his lips were against mine. I was instantly filled with warmth, and the cold chill I had been feeling just melted away. The butterflies in my stomach went crazy. His lips were soft, and gentle and I could've reveled in them forever. It was perfect. He was perfect. There was no other way I would've wanted started the new year.

When he pulled away he gave me a big smile and brushed my hair out of my eyes. "Happy New Year, Jagiya," he whispered in my ear.

I felt a chill go down my spine and smile spread across my face. "Happy New Year, Jiminie." 

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