Six Degrees of Separation || Jimin One Shot

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Six steps away.

 Six cities over.

 Six counties in between.

 Six degrees of separation.

"All living things and everything else in the world are six or fewer steps away from each other so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps." My friend, Andromeda, read from her textbook. "Isn't that cool Kiki?" She asked me. "That we are only six steps away from everyone and everything in the world?"

I rolled my eyes. "There's no way that's true. How's that even possible?" We gathered our things and started left the park we had been studying at. "Do you want to stop by that diner?" She nodded and I typed in the address on my phone.

"I'm telling you Kiki," she said to me. "This looks pretty legit. It's called the six degrees of separation." She pointed at the page in the book. "All life is a mere six steps away from one another."

"You're trying to tell me," I told her. "That I am a mere six steps away from let's say my favorite idol, Park Jimin?" I raised an eyebrow. "He lives in Korea," I reminded her. "That's utter crap." She shrugged and we both laughed. I glanced down at my phone to make sure we were going the right way when a guy ran right into my shoulder. "Hey!" I shouted and turned around, but he hadn't stopped walking. "Are you not gonna apologize?"

I narrowed my eyes and walked over and grabbed the man by the shoulder. He lifted his arm up and it caused me to lose my balance and fall down. As he turned around I froze in my place when I saw his face. "P-park Jimin?"

His eyes went wide and he immediately helped me back up. "I am so sorry," he repeated over and over. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to knock you over." He fussed over me a little bit until he was sure I wasn't injured.

"I'm fine," I reassured him, but I felt my heart swell at how caring he was.

He looked up and gave me a weak smile. "I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to run into you." Our eyes met and I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. He stuck out his hand and I shook it. "Let me get you a coffee to make up for it?"

I nodded and my friend and I followed him to a small coffee shop. I glance down when I heard my phone shout that I had reached the destination. I gasped in surprise. I wasn't aware that Jimin had led us to the very place we were planning on going to.

Andromeda smiled at me and made a point to sit at another table so that I could be alone with Jimin. "Six degrees," she whispered to me as she walked by. "You took six steps when you grabbed him by the shoulder." She winked at me before taking a seat across the diner.

I bit my lip nervously as Jimin sat down after ordering our drinks. I had no idea what to say, and I could feel myself getting nervous. I gave him a warm smile. "Thank you for the coffee," I told him. "I'm sorry if I was a little aggressive." I laughed nervously and looked down at my hands.

"Not many people have the guts to walk up to a stranger and confront them," he smirked at me. "That's impressive. Are you sure you're okay?" He relaxed a little when I nodded. "Good. Well you know my name, so what's yours?"

"Kiki," I said happily as the waitress brought us our coffee. "It is very nice to meet you," I told him with a smile.

"That's a beautiful name." He replied back.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in that coffee shop laughing and talking. We found out that we had so many things in common, and I couldn't believe how well we got along. It was the best day of my life, and it was a day I was never going to forget.

"I told her that this six degrees of separation is real," Andromeda said as she raised a glass, snapping me out of my memories. Here we were two years later and I was sitting next to the love of my life at the rehearsal dinner for our wedding.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Jimin wrapped an arm around me and gave me his infamous eye smile. "I guess it's real," I finally admitted. I laid my head on Jimin's shoulder and he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"How else do you explain our chance meeting, babe," Jimin said with a smile when he pulled away.

Andromeda cleared her throat and we all chuckled and looked up at her. "As I was saying," she said dramatically. "I told you it was real, Kiki. And now here we are all gathered together to celebrate a union between you and the love of your life. Who would've thought that he was a mere six steps away." She smiled and raised her glass. "Cheers!"

Everyone clinked their glasses together. The DJ started playing some music and we all got up and started dancing. Everyone was having such a great time, and once I was tired I made my way out to the balcony.

I was joined my Jimin a few minutes later. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I smiled as he placed a kiss on my neck. "Hey there gorgeous," he said softly. "What's on your mind?"

"That whole six degrees of separation thing," I admitted. "How can it even be possible? It shouldn't be, but somehow I met you, and I did it in six steps." I smiled and laughed. "Who knew?"

"Fate works in mysterious ways," he said. "But I'm glad it works the way it does."

I turned around and looked up at him so that our eyes met. "I'd take six thousands steps to have what I have with you."

"Well," he said with a smile. "I'd take six million."

I blushed and stood on my toes so I could press my lips to his. I revelled in the warm feeling that his kisses gave me. I loved how his soft, gentle lips felt against my own. Jimin tightened his grip around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately. I could never get sick of the scent of his skin or the way his hands gently touched every inch of me.

"I love you so much," he whispered against my lips.

If I wasn't sure of anything else it was this: I never wanted to be separated from Jimin again. 

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