Good Morning || Taehyung One Shot

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Madison had gotten up early that morning to cook a big breakfast for her now fiance, Kim Taehyung. As she cooked she kept glancing down to the beautiful diamond ring on her finger, and she couldn't help but smile. Last night had been perfect. All of their friends and family had come together for little reunion of sorts. Madison was in charge of taking photos, as usual, and as she went around snapping shots of everyone she heard Taehyung call her name and ask her to get a photo of what he was about to do. When she turned around, there he was on one knee with a huge, box grin on his face. Fortunately, Madison had a neck strap for her camera around her neck because she completely let go of her camera in shock. She had no idea Taehyung was planning on proposing to her. They had been friends all their lives, and had been dating for the last two years. Of course she said yes, she knew there was no one she loved more than him. She knew she wouldn't want to spend her life with anyone else.

Madison smiled at the thought of the night before and hummed happily to herself as she continued to cook breakfast. She never usually got the chance to cook with her and Taehyung always being so busy, but luckily this morning neither of them had any work to do and she wanted to spoil him. She glanced out at the snow falling from the window, and smiled as she watched the kids from across the street run around and throw snowballs at one another. They were so innocent and pure and she loved hearing their laughs through the window.

"Have I mentioned how beautiful you look in the mornings," came a familiar, raspy voice from behind her. She turned around and chuckled at her fiance.

"Are you going to put on clothes?" She asked jokingly as he walked over and placed a kissed on her cheek. He looked to see what she had been watching through the window and smiled. "They're cute huh," she added when she noticed Taehyung's gaze lingering.

He nodded and smiled down at Madison. "They sure are. Makes me want to have a few of my own running around and making a mess." He took her hand and kissed it softly. "Let me go change," he said dramatically. "And I'll be right back."

Madison laughed and shook her head as he exited the room. She had finished cooking and started setting the dining table up with all the food she had made. The entire house smelled like pancakes and bacon her two favorite breakfast foods. As she finished setting the table she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist, and the familiar scent of Taehyung's cologne reached her nose. She giggled and turned to face him carefully placing a kiss on his lips.

"Good morning Mrs. Kim Taehyung," he said happily.

Madison blushed. "I could get used to that," she responded, and pressed her lips against his once more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. Taehyung pulled away and traced kisses down her jawline.

"Mmm keep that up, and we will have little you and me's running around this house," he whispered huskily in her ear causing her blush she deepen. He smirked at her and placed another kiss on her forehead.

Madison smiled up at him. "I would love to have little Tae's running around this house," she said softly. Her smile widened at the shocked look on Taehyung's face. They hadn't talked about having kids yet, they were both still young, but she knew they wouldn't stay young forever. She had always wanted kids, and having them with the love of her life was going to be a dream come true.

"Really?" Tae asked breathlessly. He smirked when Madison nodded at him. "Well then where were we?" He wrapped his arms around her waist again and pulled her to him placing a kiss on her neck.

Madison pushed him away playfully. "Our breakfast is going to get cold, Tae." She gestured to the array of food on the table. "We have all day for other things," she glanced down and then back up at Taehyung's face and smirked.

"And she cooks for me? I should've decided to marry you sooner." He flashed Madison a smile and laughed as they sat down at the table.

All throughout breakfast Madison and Taehyung talked about kids. What they would name them. How they would raise them. What kind of futures they hoped for them. In between conversations Taehyung would carefully feed Madison a piece of pancake or bacon. She'd roll her eyes at how cheesy he was before taking a bite and trying not to laugh. Everything was perfect, and Madison had never been happier.

When they finished eating, Madison got up to start the dishes but Taehyung pulled her back into him. "Oh no, those can wait babe," he whispered in her ear. "I have other plans for us." He cupped her cheek and pressed his lips to hers. He carefully led them back into their bedroom without breaking the kiss loving every moment her lips were on his.

When Madison pulled away she ran her fingers through her hair as tried to catch her breath, but Tae had already wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her as close to him as possible. She glanced down and couldn't help but smirk. "Mmm well good morning." 

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