Can You Help Me || Jungkook One Shot

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{A/N: We're gonna pretend that Kookie Is fluent in English guys. Thanks ❤️}


You wanna know what happens when you don't pay attention to details? I'll tell you. You wind up lost in the middle of Mexico with no ID, no passport, and no luggage. And let me tell you it is not great.

I had been on vacation for the past month. BTS had an amazing comeback and we were all exhausted. Even our fans were telling us to take a break, so we did. I had been hopping from country to country just enjoying the scenery and taking everything in. Then I hit Mexico, and let's just say I should've paid more attention to the informant on the plane.

I let out a sigh as I looked at the people around me. I couldn't understand most of what they were saying, which only made it harder for me to figure out what to do. I needed to find an English speaker and soon. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration and took another look around. That's when I saw them. Two girls, I couldn't see their faces, but one of them was wearing a shirt with my name on the back.

I let out a sigh of relief as I went to approach them, but when the other girl turned around she saw me and I froze. She was beautiful, and suddenly I was too nervous to ask for help. Her eyes met mine and I thought I was going to melt right there on the spot. A soft smile spread across her lips, part of me hoped she didn't recognize me, but she nudged her friend who turned around and her eyes went wide.

I took a deep breath and walked over to them. "I-um, hello," I said nervously.

The girl wearing my shirt said something I couldn't understand. I assumed it was Spanish. I frowned and gave her a confused look, but then her friend spoke up.

"She can't believe she's meeting you," she said sweetly. She stuck out her hand. "I'm Loréth and this is Daniella."

I shook her hand gently and relaxed a bit. I was extremely thankful that she spoke English. "And I'm Jungkook, which I'm sure you already knew." I blushed and mentally smacked myself. I wasn't good at this sort of thing.

Daniella said something to Loréth that I didn't understand, but they both started laughing. "She wants to know if she can take a picture with you."

I smiled and nodded. Daniella squealed in delight and handed Loréth her phone. We took a couple pictures, and she gave me a hug.

"Daniella," a lady shouted from inside the store we were standing in front of. "¡Ven aquí ahora!"

Daniella flashed me a smile before whispering something to Loréth and following the woman back into the store. Once she was gone I felt myself getting more nervous. Loréth was beautiful.

"So what are you doing here in Mexico?" She asked me. "Vacationing?"

I nodded. "Yes, but I'm in some trouble. My stuff was stolen and now I have no way to contact BigHit to straighten everything out and get out of here. I been trying to find someone to help me all day, when I saw your friend's shirt I figured maybe you guys could."

"I would love to help you," she said excitingly and her eyes lit up as she did so. I felt my heart flutter as she took my hand and led me into the store. "I'm here studying abroad," she said as she led into an office in the back. She grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. "I'm living with Daniella and her family. Their house isn't far from here come on."

I followed her to her car, and within minutes we were pulling up to a small house. It was quaint, and gave off a nice homey feeling. "Sorry there's no WiFi at the store," she said as she let us in. She put her backpack on the table and pulled out a laptop and her phone. "I didn't know which one would be more useful to you, but I figured better to get out of the heat right?" She handed me her phone. "I get international calls so go ahead."

I gave her a smile. "Thank you so much."

She gave me a nod. "Are you hungry? I can make you something?"

As soon as she mentioned food my stomach growled loudly and we both laughed. My heart skipped a beat at the sound of her laugh and I couldn't help but look down at her in awe. I hadn't met anyone like Loréth before. "Food would be great."

She beamed at me and got busy in the kitchen as I called Namjoon in order to get in touch with whoever I needed to to get myself out of the situation.

By the end of the day I had gotten everything figured out, and BigHit was expediting a new passport and identification for me to Loréth's address. "You are amazing," I said as I helped her cleaned the dishes from earlier. "Without your help I wouldn't be any closer to going home."

She flashed me a smile as she dried the dishes and put them away. "How long will it take for everything to get here? I'll ask Daniella's mom if you can stay here until it gets here."

"Hopefully only a week. Thank you," I said, there was a hint of sadness in my voice. I had really enjoyed hanging out with Loréth today. Part of me didn't want to leave. "So you mentioned earlier you're studying abroad?"

She nodded and popped a piece of candy in her mouth. "I'm a language major," she began to explain. "So I like to go to other countries in order to learn the language a little better."

"What languages are your focus?" I asked as we finished up and sat down on the couch.

"Spanish, French, Arabic, Japanese, and Korean." She counted them off on her fingers. "And so far I've been to Mexico and France." She crosses one leg over the other and wrapped a blanket around her. "I hope Korea will be next."

"You should visit me," I said excitingly. "I could show you around."

"You'll probably forget all about me by the time I make it to Korea." She gave me a half smile and shrugged.

I found myself taking her hand. "There is no way I'm gonna forget about the girl who saved my life."

She blushed and look down at our hands. "Someone else would've eventually helped you," she whispered.

"But someone else didn't," I pointed out. "You did." I tilted her chin up so that our eyes met, and I never wanted to stop looking into her eyes. I softly placed my lips over hers, and I felt her body stiffen in shock. Seconds later she relaxed and kissed me back and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"And that is how I met the love of my life your mother," I said as I took Loréth's hand with a smile. She kissed my cheek as our two children squealed in delight and clapped their hands. "Thanks for saving me that day," I whispered in her ear.

She grinned and picked up our two little girls. "It was my pleasure." 

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