His Eyes || Jin One Shot

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 I was barely listening to my teacher as it was, he was going on and on about some incredible war that I really didn't care about. It was the last class of the day and I had zoned out near the beginning of his spill. History wasn't the toughest class in the world so I really didn't care one way or another. I needed something interesting to happen or I knew this was gonna be another boring day. Then a knock came from the door. My teacher sighed, upset he had been interrupted, and opened up the door. He talked to whoever was outside for a moment, and every single one of us in the classroom were stretching our necks as far as they would go in order to see who it was. I could hear some irritation in the teachers voice. I wondered why.

Seconds later we had our answer. When the teacher came back into the classroom he was followed a boy I didn't recognize, but I was immediately floored at the sight of him. He was gorgeous: tall, lean, raven black hair. Every girl in the class was ogling him. No wonder the teacher was upset. He hated getting new students in the middle of the semester.

"Class," my teacher said. He forced a smile into his face that I could see right through. He wasn't happy. "This is Kim Seokjin. Please give him a warm welcome. There is a seat over there next to Lauren. She's pretty new to so I'm sure she could help you out." He gestured to the seat beside me and I nervously smiled and nodded.

He came over, sat beside me, and gave me a warm smile. "Hi please call me Jin."

I nodded. "Sure thing."

"Could I borrow a pencil? I don't really have a lot of my supplies."

I reached into my bag for a pencil, and when I went to hand it to him his hand brushed against mine and I felt an electric current run through me causing me to drop it. "I-I uh, I'm sorry," I stammered and a blush crept across my face.

He smiled at me and picked up the pencil from the floor. "Thanks, Lauren."

I practically melted from the way my name rolled off his tongue. I gave him a nod and forced a smile before focusing my attention on the teacher.

"Class if you could please turn to page four hundred in your book please." He changed the slide on his PowerPoint.

"Hey, Lauren," Jin said whispered, and I felt a chill go down my spine. "Could I look on your book?"

"Um sure," I said back and slid the book closer to the edge of my desk. Jin scooted his chair over and his leg brushed mine and I nearly jumped out of my skin. He was so close to me and I knew there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to focus on the rest of class. The entire time we were supposed to be reading I kept stealing glances over at Jin who seemed to be completely into the textbook.

One moment though he happened to look up and caught me staring at him. I covered my face with my hands and looked away embarrassed. He laughed and I felt my heart flutter from the sound of it. After a moment I felt his hand slide over mine causing me to jump. When I looked up at him he gave me a smirk and squeeze my hand before moving his hand back to his lap.

When last bell of the day rang I quickly gathered my belongings. And threw my bag over my shoulder. My heart was racing, and I just needed to get out and get home. I needed to be able to think.

"Lauren!" Jin called as I slipped away from my desk. He walked over to me and gave me another smile. "Thanks for helping me out today. Here's your pencil." He slipped it into a pocket in my bag.

"Thank you," I replied and nervously tucked my hair behind my ear. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh wait," he handed me his phone. "Mind if I get your number in case I need any help?"

I found myself nodding and putting my number into his phone. "Sure thing."

"Thanks," He said happily. "And is it okay if I call you even if I don't need help? Like if I wanted to ask you out or something?"

My eyes went wide and I looked up at him. His gorgeous eyes met mine and I couldn't help but nod. He winked at me and blew me a kiss.

"Sweet. I'll see you later then, Lauren." He waves at me and walked out of the classroom.

I was in a total daze as I walked to my car. I couldn't figure out why he seemed to be so interested in me. I tried not to think about it. I had just met the guy but one thing was certain; I couldn't get his eyes out of my head the whole way home. 

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