The Job Comes First || Jimin One Shot

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I knew she was pissed when she kicked the door down. This was supposed to be a quiet mission, while usually she jumped at the chance kill she couldn't afford for the extra attention. The cops had been following closely behind us for too long. Instantly she pulled her gun out and shot both members of the house we had broken into. Both were headshots and both were effective. Their bodies slumped down into the floor and she turned her glare onto two of my guys.

I kept my cool as she shot them at point blank range. They didn't even get a chance to scream; it had all happened too fast. Served them right, it was about time someone disposed of them; I swear some of these guys were useless. It was their fault the owners of the house had woken up anyway. I glanced down at their lifeless bodies as she walked over to me. Her gun was still resting comfortably in her grip. I knew she was probably thinking about shooting me; it wouldn't have been the first time. But she didn't. Instead she fired two more shots at my men right where their tattoos were. She always did that. Those tattoos were her mark, and she knew it could be traced back to her if the cops saw them.

She carefully blew over the barrel of her gun and smirked at me. "I hope you won't disappoint me again," she said lowly. I knew she was enjoying this. It was like she wanted people to fail just so she had an excuse to kill them. "I don't like to be disappointed."

"I never disappoint, baby," I said arrogantly as I dangled the priceless necklace we had came here for in front of her eyes. A wicked smile spread across her face and she pressed her lips against mine. I revelled in how they tasted. She was like this with all the guys I kept reminding myself. I had to remember I was nothing special. The job comes first. That was the rule. The only rule I had to follow. But man did I break that rule with her. "Let's get out of here," I said when I pulled away trying to catch my breath. She nodded and we both hopped on our bikes and made our way back to headquarters.

I kept my eyes calm and emotionless as we approached the building. She frowned as soon as we walked in. The two guards up front were getting antsy and she knew something was up. She could always tell when something wasn't right. She was extremely good at reading people. She quickly pulled out her gun and carefully made her way inside. I took a deep breath and pulled out mine as well.

"Bad news boss," one of her guys said as he came out of another room. "We've been robbed." She let out an angry sigh.

"And I know exactly who did it," she growled. "Taehyung's crew." She narrowed her eyes. "It's always them."

"They left their mark on the back wall," he said. "They're really trying to ruin you."

[IU] "They try to chip away at my career and bury me. But I don't care."

"Apparently some of our guys left to join them," he said gruffly. "Bastards."

[IU] "They're all fakes."

She walked over to her hidden safe and quickly checked to make sure her backup stash was there. It was. She smiled like none of this phased her. "I'll take care of them just like I did that cop from two months ago."

Instantly several police officers kicked down the door and trained their guns on her, but she was just as quick. She had her gun leveled at one of their heads and everyone froze. The room was so silent you could've heard a pen being dropped on the floor. My eyes went wide as she glared at the cops before her and her eyes immediately flew to me. One look in my eyes and she knew why they were here.

I had been deep undercover for two months. Ever since she killed that cop. We never had proof that she did it. So they sent me in to find out. Two months later here I was getting a confession on tape. My mind was blown.

"I should've known you were a lying piece of scum," she spat. "And to think I thought I actually liked you." She glared at me. "I thought you were different."

I sighed and held up my gun as well. I couldn't be too careful when it came to her. I'm sure she was thinking about shooting me, but one move and she knew they'd shoot her. "Like you always said, the job comes first."

She smirked. "It sure does." I wasn't sure why she looked so happy. Not until she did it. She immediately pulled the trigger on her gun and shot one of the cops in the head. Her aim was unbelievable. Just as soon as she did several shots were fired in her direction and she also fell to the floor. I grabbed her gun from her hands as she laid there coughing up blood.

I couldn't believe she did that. "Why?" I asked as I bent down over her. "You could've helped us. We could've made you a deal."

The look in her eyes was pure disgust. "I don't—h-help—cops," she coughed out. "Go—-t-to—-Hell." She smirked at me one last time. "At least—-I—got—o-one—-more b—before I died."

Those were the last words she spoke to me. I was never the same after that, and while I continued working for the police, I never went undercover again. Something about her sinister words stuck with me. She had no remorse. She didn't care. She was a pure sociopath who reveled in the kill. There was only one thing she cared about: the job. 

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