Impressed || Hoseok One Shot

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 Stephanie was completely exhausted by the time rehearsal over. All she could hear were the tired breaths of everyone in the room. Every inch of her body ached, but it was worth it. This is what she lived for. This is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

"Great job everyone," the instructor said proudly. "I think you are all ready for the show case." She smiled at everyone. "You're all dismissed except for Stephanie."

Stephanie looked up in shock as everyone else gathered their things and headed out the door. She slung her bag over her shoulder and walked up to her teacher. "What's up?" She asked curiously.

"I want you to do your solo for someone," she said excitingly. "The school was able to get a rather famous dancer to come and critique our solo dancers."

Stephanie's eyes grew wide. "Y-you want me to what?"

Just as she got the words out the door to the dance studio opened up, and in walked Jung Hoseok. It took all Stephanie had to not to scream when she laid eyes on him. He was more handsome than she had ever imagined.

"I'm sure you've heard of BTS," her teacher stated as she gestured to Hoseok.

Stephanie nodded. "Y-yeah. Definitely."

Hoseok reached out his hand and Stephanie, after a moment of hesitation, put her hand in his and shook it. She noticed his hands were soft and smooth. "It's nice to meet you," he said with a smile. "I've heard you're the best in your class."

Stephanie blushed. "I'm not sure I'd say that." She carefully tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Beautiful and humble," Hoseok whispered. He gave her a smirk. "I can't wait to see you dance and to help you for your showcase."

Stephanie gasped. "H-help me?" She glanced over at her teacher who nodded.

"Hoseok will be your private dance instructor, Stephanie." She gave her a big smile. "Hopefully with his help you'll be given so many job opportunities upon graduation." She took her hands. "You have been one of my favorite students. This is my gift to you. I should be going." She waved at both of them and left the studio.

"So," Hoseok said. "Why don't you show me what you've got."

For weeks they trained, and not a single day was easy. Hoseok watched her grow as a dancer and a performer. He could feel the passion she had with every step she took and every turn she made. His eyes were always glued to her while she danced, there was something magnificent about the way she took the floor. It reminded him of himself when he first started dancing.

She had fallen for the third time in a row running the same stunt. Stephanie fell back on the cold floor and let out a sigh of frustration covering her face with her hands. "I'm never going to get this."

"Not with that attitude," Hoseok said snarkily. "Run it again."

"I've been running it all afternoon," Stephanie shot back. "I need a break."

"We don't have time for breaks. Run it again." Hoseok made his way back to the CD player. He wasn't trying to be hard on her. He just wanted to push her to be the best she could be.

"We can't all be perfect like you," she muttered under her breath as she rewrapped her ankle.

"Excuse me?" He turned back around to face her. "What?"

"You heard what I said." Stephanie stood back and ran her hands through her hair. "Just run the song." All she wanted to do was show him how good she could be, but she was failing miserably. At this rate, she'd never be good enough to make it outside of her backyard. She took a deep breath, and looked over at Hoseok. When their eyes met she felt a surge go through her.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. "Maybe we should take a break."

Stephanie shook her head. "No I have to get this right. I can get this right. I'll prove that to you."

Hoseok walked over to her and took her hands. "You don't have to prove anything to me." He tilted her chin up so that their eyes met once again. "You've already proven what an amazing dancer you are." He brushed her hair out of her eyes and smiled at her. "Being a great dancer isn't about getting every step right. It's so much more. Do you know what it's about?"

Stephanie's breath hitches at his words and she tried to keep herself calm. His hand felt warm against her skin. She gave him a nod and cleared her throat. "It's about passion. It's about loving every minute you spend on a stage."

"Precisely," He said softly. "That's how I know you're a great dancer. I knew it from the first time I saw you dance. You were and are beautiful."

Stephanie's eyes went wide at his words. "I-uh-," he cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. His arms snaked around her waist and pulled her close to him. Her lips were soft and tasted like sweet candy.

She couldn't believe this was happening to her. Butterflies were going crazy inside of her and she found herself wrapping her arms around Hoseok's neck.

When he pulled away she smirked at her. "Why don't you run that sequence now." He kissed her forehead and went to turn on the music.

Stephanie took a deep breath and got ready. When the music started she didn't even think about what she was doing, she just danced. It was like something was alive in her again, and this time when it was time for her most difficult leap she nailed it and stuck the landing. "I did it!" She ran over to Hoseok and hugged him. "I did it." She couldn't help but smile at him. He kissed her lips gently and reveled in their softness. If wasn't sure of anything else he was sure that this girl was something special, and he wanted to witness her succeed.

"Great job Stephanie," Hoseok said proudly. "I'm impressed." 

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