Welcome Home || Yoongi One Shot

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It was my first time back in South Korea since I left five years ago. I hadn't told anyone I was coming back; there wasn't anyone to tell. Everyone I had known stopped talking to me after I left. The excuses were the same; the time zone differences made this "difficult." Honestly, I didn't care all that much that most of them broke contact. The only person who really disappointed me was a boy named Min Yoongi. We had been best friends for as long as I could remember, and I never imagined that he would stop talking to me. However, a month into me living in America, he just vanished. I'll never forget trying to call him one night and I was told that the phone was no longer active. That hurt.

Needless to say, I was terrified about coming back. I was only going to be back for a couple months. The company I now worked for was ecstatic when they found out I was native to South Korea, so I was here on business. I had a feeling they'd be sending me over here more often than I hoped though, but who was I to argue. The pay was amazing and I was doing exactly what I loved.

As I walked out of the airport I was immediately hit with a sense of familiarity. Many of the shops were different from what I remembered, but somehow it felt like nothing had changed. I took in as much as I could as I walked down the street. It was amazing how much I remembered about the streets of Seoul. I didn't feel lost. I stopped by a coffee shop on the way to my hotel. The line wasn't too long, and I was craving a warm beverage. The airport had my luggage sent to the hotel room for me, so I only had my carry on bag to carry which wasn't much.

After I ordered my coffee I sat in a seat by the window and kept to myself while I waited. A group of boys came in after a moment, and although his hair color was different, I could've sworn one of them looked exactly like Yoongi. I shook my head at the thought. It couldn't be. When the barista called my name, the guy who looked like Yoongi started looking around the room. His eyes met mine as I got up to get the coffee. It was him.

I could feel my heart racing in my chest, but I quickly turned away and grabbed my coffee. "Thank you," I said to the barista before turning on my heels to grab my bag and leave. Part of me wanted to confront him, but I didn't want to cause a scene. I put my bag over my shoulder and turned to leave, but I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

"I know you." The minute his voice reached my ears there was no doubt in my mind about it being him. I took a deep breath and turned to face him. "The barista said your name was Aeri. Park Judy?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yes that's my name. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go." I pushed past him and walked outside.

"Wait," he called. "Wait! Aeri it's me. Yoongi."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I know exactly who you are," I said bitterly. "You're the so called friend who just vanished into thin air. So much for forever."

"Judy, I'm so sorry. You don't understand-"

"What's there to understand," I snapped. "One day you just stopped talking to me. I tried to call you and it said your phone wasn't active! And you sure didn't bother to tell me!" I hadn't realized how much him disappearing had hurt me, but looking at him now I was furious. "I was fine when everyone else faded away, but you? My best friend?" I could feel the tears stingy in my eyes. "I never thought you would."

"Judy," he pleaded. "It isn't that simple."

"Then what is it?" I asked angrily. "What justifies you abandoning me?"

"My mom died." He said plainly. That got my attention. When I looked up and our eyes met his were filled with pain. It made my heart ache. "She died after you left, and I fell apart. You were gone. She was gone. I had no one. Things got really bad for me. Alcohol got involved. I went down a bad path, Judy."

"What?" I said in disbelief. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Instinctively I walked over to Yoongi and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry," I whispered to him. I couldn't believe how self absorbed I had been. I never even stopped to consider that something could have happened to him. "Yoongi I am so sorry."

"One day I woke up in a hospital," he said to me softly. "And they told me that I had been found by some guys on the side of the street. They said if I didn't pull myself together I could die. So I checked myself into rehab. That's where I met the guys you saw me with in there. We're all trying to recover." He took my hand. "I am so sorry that I disappeared on you, Judy."

I couldn't stay mad at him, not with the way his eyes poured into mine. Not with the way he was gripping onto my hand. "It's okay," I said softly to him. "I forgive you." I gave him a soft smile. "I could never stay mad at you."

He pressed his lips again my hands and smiled down at me. "I missed you. I was so sad when you left. I'm so glad your back."

"Well," I said nervously. "I'm not really back. I'm here for work. But thanks to this new job I'll probably be over here a lot more frequently."

"I don't care," Yoongi said. "As long as I see you some I'll be happy." He took a deep breath. "I never got to tell you how I really felt about you before you left. I won't make that mistake twice."

My eyes went wide and before I realized what was happening his lips came crashing down on mine. I had missed a couple of guys before, but I swear none of those kissed had blown me away like this one. Yoongi's lips were so soft and I found myself kissing him back just as desperately.

When he pulled away we both were smiling like total idiots. "Wow," I whispered as my eyes met his.

"I love you," Yoongi said to me as his hand cupped my cheek. "Welcome home." 

BTS One Shots and Flash Fictions (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now