Chapter 4

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And here we go! Another chapter. It was supposed to be a pure Rowan chapter, but I got an awesome idea so I threw some action too. Hope you'll like it :D

Trailing the red haired assassins was a challenge to say the least. The man had eyes and ears all over the city, in almost every alley. And now security was extra tight because of what fate had befallen upon the crime lord and his gang some weeks ago.

That was to be expected, of course, but he could not follow Aelin and Sam untill he had gotten his hands on that amulet. And, preferably, strangle Arobynn Hamel with it's chain.

Heavily hooded he stopped trailing the assassin and went to get ready for the ambush he had planned.


The weeks he had spent trailing Arobynn, he had also taken the opportunity to search through the keep room by room. Quietly of course, and whoever witnessed his coming and goings ended up in an unmarked graves.

The amulet was nowhere to be found though, which must mean that Arobynn has it on him. Or maybe he had stashed it somewhere else, though he highly doubted that.

Hidden in the giant closet attached to Arobynns room, he waited for his prey in the darkness.

A door opened and in walked the redheaded assassin with an arm draped over a dark haired courtesan.

Time to move. Fast as the wind, he jumped out and grabbed Arobynn by the neck, lifted him up and slammed him face first into the floor knocking out the assassin immediately. Then shot for the courtesan and clamped a hand over Lysandras mouth before she could scream.

«Stay quiet, I'm a friend of Celaena and Sam» Not entirely true, but close enough. Wide eyed Lysandra gave a nod and he released.

«Who are you?» she whispered as quietly as she could as he began to search Arobynn.

«Rowan Whitethorn.» he mumbled back.

Ah, there it was. The bastard had it around his neck. He removed the amulet and put it in his pocket.

«Do you want to do the honors, or should I?» he asked as he turned to the courtesan.

Lysandra opened and closed her mouth several times, eyes still wide. «I, uh, what do you mean?»

«Do you want to slit his throat or should I do it?» he said calmly. She was gaping now clearly speechless about this whole situation. «If it makes it an easier choice I'll tell you what he had planned for our friends. Sam he was going to trapped, tortured and killed by Farran. Then he have Celaena,» it felt wrong to call her that but he doubted that calling her 'Aelin' right now would help, «caught and shipped of to Endovier. So what will it be, you or me?» he didn't think she breathing at all.

Lysandra just stared at him for awhile, then looked down at Arobynn. Then she took a deep breath, then two. Then her eyes turned ferocious as she again looked to him.

«Do you have a knife?»

Before he handed her the knife, he checked to make sure that Arobynn was still unconcious, which he was. Drawing a blade from his boot and handed it to the girl.

She took the knife from him and knelt down beside the still body. Rowan kept close, just in case the bastard did wake up.

Lysandra raised the knife and slammed it into the mans throat.


Just one day from the shores of the Southern Continent a storm struck.

The storm was so great that when the ship was between waves, all they could was a giant wall of water. Celaena huddled down in their room inside the ship holding on to the bedframe for dear life so as not to be tossed around like a rag doll. Sam had his arms around her, helping to her and also himself in place.

Which really hard to do as the ship was practically standing sideways going up and down the waves. She sent a silent prayer to the whatever gods there were, hoping to maybe be protected by them this one day.

«Don't worry, it will be over soon.» Sam muttered into her ear. Though it seemed like he said as much to himself as he did for her. She was terrified, there was no denying. There were probably nothing that scared her more than drowning, which she had survived twice. She might not be as lucky this time, but having Sam there helped her be more at ease. At least a little bit, she leaned more into his warm body.

Once more the began a downhill trek. A mighty crack filled her ears, and they were both flung across the room with such force neither could hold on to the bedpost.

They scrambled up, and Sam reached for her just as water came rushing in and pulled her with it. She tried to reach for Sams outstretched hand, but was pulled under and out of the ship by strong current. The last thing she saw was Sams terrified face.

The gods must really, really hate her, she thought as her lungs burned with an all too familiar need for air.

Three times the charm right?

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