Chapter 5

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The banker still hadn't been able to sell the warehouse apartment. Which was perfect because that meant Lysandra and Rowan had had a place to stay while still in Rifthold. Rowan had informed that they would be leaving tomorrow morning.

«I need you to post a letter for me. Since I am mo human I can't just walk into the post office.» Rowan said, while cleaning a dagger that already looked spotless.

«To whom, or is that a secret?» Lysandra asked. The fae male had been very vague when she had asked how he knew Sam and Celaena, and though she should be worried about that she strangely was not. He had, after all, saved her from a life in prostitution. With money they stole from Arbynns accounts before news of his death got out.

Rowan gave her a long look before answering. «To Celaenas cousin.» a short answer, but it was more than she had gotten out of the past couple of days. And the way he said her name seemed a bit awkward though, as if he usually calls her something else. Interesting.

«I did not know she had any family at all.» she said sweetly. She didn't really want to know about Celaenas relations, there was another question she really wanted an answer to. But she was afraid to ask, afraid of what the answer might be.

Rowan just gave her another look, but said nothing.

They would leave tomorrow. So she must ask now, or she might never know. She took a calming breath.

«I, uhm,» she swallowed and met his gaze, «is Wesley alive?» her heart was beating rapidly. Wesley was her friend, and she prayed that he had not crossed paths with Rowan. Because if had tried to...


She released a breath she had not realized she had been holding in. She didn't think she gad ever been this relieved before.

«Do you think he could join us? He can be trusted, I promise.»

His was so hard to read, but it seemed like he was considering it. His attention returned to the dagger as he said,

«Contact him after you've sent my letter. We leave at dawn.»

So she did. She went straight to find Wesley after she posted the letter. He was at the keep, and she couldn't help but feel a uneasy at being so close to that place. With a stroke of luck Wesley had spotted her and was now rushing out to greet her.

He gave her bear hug then cupped her face in his hands. «Are you alright? I couldn't find you and Clarisse said a stranger had paid of your debts.» his face was mixture of shock, relief and confusion all at once, she just smiled at him.

«Yes, in a way. He is a friend of Sam and Celaena.» she told him, «And we're leaving tomorrow to meet up with them in Antica. I wanted to ask if... if you wanted to come with us, with me.» she looked up at him expectantly, she really hoped he would say yes.

«Did he have anything to do with Arobynns murder?»

She studied his face for some time, contemplating what to answer.

«Yes, he helped me kill him.» she didn't know how far his loyalty to Arobynn would stretch now that the man was dead, but she that presenting it as her idea would soften the blow. Hopefully.

To say that Wesley looked would be an understatement. He still held her, at least he did not step away. He blinked a few times as if gathering hi wits again. He look at the keep behind him then back at her.

«When do we leave tomorrow?» was all he said.

She couldn't hold back her huge happy grin.

«At dawn.» and she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him as hard as she could.


Sam felt the bed beneath his body. Then he heard the breathing other individuals around him.

A large stone chamber, judging from the sounds he could hear. Someone gave hushed reassurances to someone a few feet away. Sam opened his eyes to get a look at his surroundings. He was indeed in a large room made of stone. It was filled with several rows of beds, sick beds.


His heart skipped a beat before it started pounding madly. No, no, no. She had to be in one the other beds, one of those he couldn't see clearly.

His body ached all over but he still stood up. He had to find her. This was his fault, if she was... dead. Then that would be on his hands. The thought sickened him so much that bile rose up, but he swallowed hard on walked down the rows of beds. Not one of then held a blond woman, not one.

He frantically began checking the beds again. Panic rising up, clouding hi mind.

She can't be dead. Please, please.

Someone grabbed his arm and he whirled around.

«Sir, please do not disturb the other patients.» she said, her golden brown hair falling in waves around her face.

«I have to find her.» he let her guide him back to bed. His legs were threatening to give out from under him.

«The women from the shipwrecks are in another infirmary. If you give me a name and description, then I can see if she is there.» His heart leapt at that. There were more survivors, which means that she could still be alive. He sat down on his bed, and the healer grabbed a pen and paper from the small table by the bed. He took a deep breath to calm himself. She would be alright, he told himself.

«She has golden blond hair, and her eyes are bright blue with a ring of gold around the pupil.» he hoped that would be enough. They hadn't discussed it, but he was pretty sure she didn't want to use her assassin name in their new life.

The pen stilled and the healer looked up at him in surprise. «Does she have a lot of scars?» she asked carefully.

Hope sparked in his veins. The healer knows her? She has seen her. «Yes, yes she does.»

«She was on the ship, too?» a look of something like shock was in her golden brown eyes.

All hope died at that question, from that he knew that Celaena had not been found. And the healers face was confirmation enough.

I think this is my longest chapter yet!

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