Chapter 16

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Sam woke up to a tingling arm that was being choked of by the sleeping princess using it as a pillow. But he didn't try to move her away, she looked so peaceful, serene even.

He still tried to wrap his head around what she had said to him on the glass beach. Not the part about her being a princess, that just made sense actually. No, it was when she said that they'd probably like him more than her, what that implied. He was just a bastard born assassin who's mother had been a courtesan, there was no way he could be... could become a king. Bastards don't become kings.

But he loved her, more than anything in the world, and he would stand by her no matter what. To be honest though, the thought of ruling scared him slightly.

She stirred and curled herself around him, her leg slid over his and her hand caressed his midsection. Her hair had shifted slightly so that he could spot her pointy ears. She only wore her fae form when they were alone, and he felt honoured that she trusted him so much. Sam smiled, how far they've come since Rifthold.


«So we are just going to be wandering around until we spot your friends?» Chaol asked as they walked down yet another street as the city was barely waking up with the morning sun.

«Come on, Chaol. We're here for the very first time, at least I am. Might as well take in the sights while we're at it!» Dorian said and placed his hands on his hips and breathed in the city streets around him.

By stroke of luck, or fate or maybe it was the gods doing, Lysandra rounded a corner walking straight towards with a man by her side. And then she walked straight past them without even looking their way. Dorian blinked. Well Chaol didn't remember anything, so maybe she didn't either.

«Lysandra!» he called out. The pair turned to towards him «Where's the rest of the group?» they just looked even more confused and shared a look. Dorian sighed. «You know, Rowan and Aelin.»

«Aelin who?» Lysandre asked slowly.

«Your friend, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, who is also known as Celaena Sardothien. Come on Lys, you're her fourth in command. You at least should know her whereabouts.» he said matter of factly, immensely enjoying their gaping mouths. And glancing at Chaol he noticed the captain had gone visibly pale. This was just too funny.

«What was that?» the man with Lysandra said. Dorian hadn't thought about that, he didn't know if this man was on their side or not. Well now he could only hope that he was. He silently cursed himself for the indiscretion.

He was trying to figure out a way to save the situation just as Rowan came up to them.

«Looks like the gods don't know everything after all.» Rowan said. «Come with me, all of you, and I'll explain everything.» Then he turned and walked down a street, clearly not waiting for them to answer.


«They should be here any minute now.» Sam called to her through the bathroom door, as she tied her hair into a messy knot in the back of her neck. She shifted into human form and left the bathroom, and sat down beside Sam on the couch.

«Do I really have to be here for this?» she had no desire to meet Lysandra again anytime soon. She sighed.

«Yes, and you know why, so stop being a pain about it.» he said and pinched her nose, she waved his hand away. «Just try. They are not bad people, just give them a chance. You once hated me too, remember.» he said and winked at her, she smiled and climbed unto his lap straddling him with her legs.

«You make a fair point, Sam Cortland. I certainly don't hate you anymore.» she leaned in, kissing him deeply.  He brought his arms around her and lowered her down on the couch, his body covering hers. This was good, he was good. Fiery desire raged through her, making her purr against his mouth.

A knock on the door had them scrambling up and straightening their clothes. He gave her a bright happy smile and went to open the door, and she took a few deep breaths before going after him.


Rowan looked over everyone seated around the kitchen table. He had insisted they went straight to business, in case Aelin and Lysandra came to blows again. Now they all waited for him to speak, though Chaol looked like he was facing the butchering block.

«I know this might be hard to understand or accept, but it is the complete truth.» he met Aelin gaze, then looked out at the rest of them, then settled on Aelin again. «With the aid from Mala and Daenna I was sent back in time to help you get ready earlier, to give you more time to prepare to face the Valg.» Aelin opened her mouth to speak but he held up a hand to silence her. «The goddesses told me I would be the only one to remember the future we had lived, but they were wrong. Dorian here has full recollection of the events, and from my observations you retain some memories as well, Aelin.» she just shrugged nonchalantly at him.

Then he proceeded to explain how the original timeline had transpired, excluding any romance details, and then how he had fought the demon possessed Aelin. Aelin looked sickly pale, and he noted how she clenched Sams hand under the table.

«You were too powerful, and none of us could defeat you, not even Dorian. So I begged the gods to help me free you, but they could do nothing to save you from the wyrdstone heart inside you. So they offered up this solution where the only drawback was that we would go through the while war one more time.» he paused for a little while, giving them all a moment to digest.

Then he told them everything he knew about the war, the players and allies. Then he recited Chaol and Nesryns findings from their time in Antica. He said nothing about the lock or the sacrifice, deciding that that might be a bit too much at the moment.

After yet another moment of silence Aelin turned to Lysandra and grinned like a fiend. «Sounds like you're one badass friend.» Lysandra gave her an equally fiendish grin. Then Aelin turned back to Rowan. «Will Aedion be joining us too?»

«I sent him a letter telling him were we all went, but since he most likely has no memory of our adventures he might not believe it.»

Aelins shoulders drooped slightly, and Sam stroked her hand. She straightened and said «So we gather our allies and fight this war.» determination lining her face as she looked around the table, looking more and more like the queen he knew and loved. She still held Sams hand as she stood up. «So what do you all say? Will you all join the fight?» She looked at Rowan, then Lysandra, Wesley, Dorian, Chaol and then Sam who nodded and stood up beside her. Her eyes shone brightly as she looked at the boy, and Rowan did not regret saving him. Not after seeing how good he had been for her so far.

«To whatever end, Fireheart.» he said and their eyes met, and this time something flitted in her eyes. Maybe the phrase tugged on a memory. He could only hope.

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