Chapter 7

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You could rattle the stars...

...wherever you are, that's where I want to be...

...we have all the time in the world...

...I name you Elentiya...

...saved and remade...

...Fireheart, why do you cry...

...will not be afraid... knew it was suicide...

...I never told you - how I felt...

...I loved you...

...nameless is the price... whatever end... was all just borrowed time...

...let's begin...


She was dreaming. At least she thought it was a dream. The faces, their words. It all seemed so familiar, yet very foreign. She knew them, but she didn't.

The visions comforted her, yet she didn't know why. She felt it all. All the pain, the suffering, the regret, the guilt, the hope, the sadness and the love. It filled her, welding the cracks in her soul. Yet it burned her as well.

The woman in the dreams was herself, yet she was as much a stranger as the other faced.

The dreams faded away into nothing as she took a deep breath. A hand was holding hers, a voice was speaking to her. A lovely voice, a voice she loved. Celaena opened her eyes and looked into the brown eyes she knew had been watching over her.

Tears were streaming down Sams as he smiled down at her, she smiled back and realized that her eyes were leaking as well.

«Water» she croaked, her throat was completely parched. Sam kissed her forehead, and reached for a glass and pitcher on the small table beside the bed she hadn't seen.

«I was so worried. I awoke here a full day before they found you, and they wouldn't let me leave the tower.» Sam said as he helped her drink. Then the light in his eyes went out. «If you had died, Celaena...»

«But I didn't, and neither did you. We made it, Sam, we're together again.» she scooted over to the edge of bed away from him, and motioned for him lie down. Her spun slightly at the movement, but she layed her head on his shoulder when he had nestled in.

«So what do we do now?» she asked.

«Well, since you have to be in bed a few more days, I'm guessing we'll have to stay here.»

«I feel fine.» but as she said that her decided to do another pirouette.

«You healer from Innish said you had a concussion, Celaena, so that means you're bedridden for almost a week or maybe even longer. Depending on how fast you recover.» he stroked her hair and she purred slightly and closed her eyes.

It took some time for his words to sink in, but then she realized what he'd said. Your healer...

«Yrene is here?»

But before he got to say anything, the door to the infirmary opened and Yrene walked in.

Sam quickly kissed her temple then climbed out of bed. Celaena pulled herself into a sitting position.

«Good to see you awake,» Yrene said as she approached the bed. «How are you feeling?»

«Better than I did the other day, that's for sure.» she said with a sheepish grin. «I see you made it here in one piece as well. I hope your voyage was less harrowing than ours.»

«There were barely a breeze when I arrived, the sailors had to take to the oars to get us into the harbor.» Yrene replied as she began to examine her. «Any blurry vision?»

Celaene shook her head and instantly regretted it made her head spin. «Some dizziness, though»

«That's normal. It will disappear within the week. Until then you should do as little as possible, and only when you absolutely have to.»

«So I'm practically bedridden for week?» A nod from Yrene. Celaena sighed. «Can I at least read books?»

«Yes, you can.»

Celaena gave a ruefull grin. «Then being stuck to this bed won't be so boring after all.» Yrene laughed and stood up.

«I have other patients, but I'll see you two later.» Both Sam and Celaena said their goodbyes as the healer left the room.

As she turned to Sam she gave very best puppy dog eyes, and he huffed a laugh. «I'll go find you some books to read.»

«You're the best.» she said as he gave her a kiss.

Hope you all liked it!

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