Chapter 46

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Chaol trailed through the busy streets of Antica with a note clutched in his hand. He glanced at the note for what felt like for the hundredth time to look at the address that was scribbled there. Well, if he couldn't find it today, he still had a couple more days before the voyage back to Adarlan.

He sighed heavily through his nose, and turned down a different street. He had been on this continent for almost two months now, and a week ago he had finally won the support of the Kaghan. With a lot of help from Prince Sartaq, who apparently had been in direct correspondence with Aelin. That woman was hands on everywhere at all times, and Chaol wondered if she ever slept at all. But it had made it easier with an ally already within the royal family, and with Aelin's purchase of a horde of firelances.

Chaol scouted over the crowd around him, trying to find anything that could tell him where he was. But found nothing that named the street he was on. He stuffed the note into his pocket, and clenched his jaw while looking at all the shops lining the street. None of them was the right one, but...

His heart skipped a beat as he spotted the talented healer that often joined Princess Hasar for dinner, the browned haired woman called Yrene. He kept his eyes on her, while trying to weave his way through the stifling crowd. When he finally made through the mass of people, he tapped the healer on the shoulder. She turned around looking slightly puzzled, until she recognized him and her features hardened slightly.

She wasn't very fond of him, but he could not help but be attracted to her anyway. He cleared his throat and fished out the piece of paper with the address again.

«I... uhm, was wondering if you know where this place is?» he showed her the note, and she blinked when she had read it.

«That's the place Celaena, my friend, worked at before she went back to the continent. I know where it is, do you just want directions or do I need to guide you there?» she said.

«It's she who asked me to go there actually.» he said, and gave her a smile he hoped she would find charming. «I've tried following directions all day, so I think I'm in need of a guide. This city is a maze.» he shrugged. Her lips twitched slightly at that, then she began walking down the street. He kept pace beside her.

«So you're a friend of hers then?» her voice sounded clipped, as if she really didn't want to make small talk at all.

«You could say that. She is Dorian's friend, we're more like mutual acquaintances. She asked me to visit the woman she worked for when Dorian told her I was travelling here.» He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, she was frowning slightly. But she said nothing and just kept walking through the streets, gracefully weaving the crowds. «Will you be going with the armada? With the group of healers that will be assisting the armies, I mean.» he asked, hoping to get her to talk more, so that he could listen to her melodious voice.

«Yes, I am.» she said curtly. «Why the Kaghanate decided to join forces with Adarlan is beyond me.» she muttered under her breath. He felt a pang of guilt, but also a bit wounded by the fact that she hated his country.

«Adarlan is changing, the old king is dead and Dorian is the ruler now.» he said defensively. «And he has dissolved his father's empire, no other nations are under Adarlan's banner anymore.» he would not let Dorian's reign be plagued by prejudice.

«And what is he doing to compensate for the damages, fir those whose lifes have been ruined?» she shot back at him. «Signing a paper helps no one, except make him feel like he has accomplished something. Which, in reality, is nothing at all.» she shot him a glare.

«He is allied with Aelin of the Wildfire, the Princess of Terrasen, in this war. Does that count for nothing?» he clenched his jaw tightly.

«Why would she do that?» she glared at him again.

«Why don't you ask her yourself, you probably know her better than I do.» he waved the note in the air between. At first she looked confused, then her eyes widened as she realized who he was talking about. «Yes, Celeana's real name is Aelin. The lost Princess of Terrasen.» he said, and smirked at her. She couldn't keep the surprise from showing, and just blinked at him. She kept silent the rest of the walk, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

She came to a halt, then pointed at a red painted building. «That's the shop you're looking for.» she said in flat voice and pointed at the store.

«Thank you, I appreciate your help. Have a nice day, Yrene.» he sketched a courteous bow, and smiled at her. But she just nodded, pursed her lips and went on her way. Leaving Chaol before the store alone. He watched her as she walked away, watched the sway of her hips, how her hair bounced around her shoulders. He hoped they ended up on the same ship in a few days.

When she was out of sight, he turned to the store and gazed up at the huge sign. Big black and red letters on a green board, just like Aelin had described. He opened the door and went inside.

«... and use this tonic once a week to keep the fur lush and soft.» the old woman behind the counter said to the couple in front of her. They thanked her and payed, before leaving with of paper bag filled with dog things.

«What can I do for you, my good sir?» the old woman asked him, and he stepped up to the counter.

«I'm here on behalf of a friend. Celaena wanted me to stop by to see if you were doing alright, and to give you a hug from her.» he said, a bit awkwardly. Especially the hug part. But Aelin's instructions were clear, and she had given him a massive hug so that he could ''pass it on'' when he found Old Frey.

«Oh, that sweet girl. You can tell her I found the gift she left me, and the letter as well. I am so proud of her, and I believe her parents are smiling down at her with great pride as well.» Frey said, and smiled gently at him. «I remember the day she walked on here, young and vibrant. She didn't care that the building looked like it was falling apart, or that the business was nearly bankrupt. If it hadn't been for her I would probably be living on the streets now, with not two coppers to my name.» the woman sighed, reminiscing. Chaol just stood there politely listening, but also interested in that the old lady had to say about the Princess. «I know she will do that for her country and her people as well, she will take on the challenge head on and with rolled up sleeves, and she won't stop until the result is perfect.» she stepped around the counter and stopped in front of him.

«Yes, she's a headstrong girl.» he said, and gave the woman a half smile. He didn't really know the Princess very well, even though Dorian claimed that they had had an intimate relationship in the other time line. It was interesting to see what other people thought of her, though, especially Frey who had worked with her for months. «She wanted me to give you a hug, and to say that she misses you and the dogs.» he said and spread his arms to hug to woman. They embraced for a moment, before pulling away.

«Thank you, for taking the time to come visit me, and it warms my heart to hear that she is doing alright.» she gave him another smile, a mother's smile, and he could easily understand why Aelin cared for Frey as much as she did.

«She will be equally glad to hear that you are alright as well, my Lady.» he said, and bowed for the old woman before saying his goodbyes and left the store.

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