Chapter 43

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«There has been no response from Morath.» Dorian said while pacing back and forth in front of the huge fireplace, and Manon sighed inwardly. «Most of the spies we have sent down there has not returned, and there has been no word from Nox yet either.» he ran his fingers through his hair, making stand out at odd angles. Manon looked him over, noting the tension and stress lining his entire body.

Manon tapped her iron nails on the armrest of the couch. «Nox won't send anything, he's supposed to be silent to be able to do his mission. Don't worry yourself over the wrong things.» she said with a bored voice. «And about Erawan... well, I said months ago that there was a chance of him knowing about the timeshift, this only proves it.» she said. She stood and walked over to the stressed out King. She leaned against the wall, and crossed her arms.

Dorian stopped pacing and turned to meet her gaze. «You're right, we should assume the worst. At least things are going well in Eyllwe and in Terrasen, the rebels have grouped together and will be ready very soon.» his eyes traveled down her loose, black robe, she grinned wickedly at him when his gaze returned to hers.

Over these past few months she had found herself seeking his company more often than before, and often found him making excuses to be around her as well. The feelings were strange, nerve wrecking, especially when he touched her with his invisible hands... Manon blinked and focused back on his face. «Any word from Aelin?» she said.

«Yes, she and Rowan was successful in taking down Maeve and is now in command of Doranelle's armies, and the Ashryvers are joining us too. Now they should be on their way to Skulls Bay, after that they will come back here.» Dorian reached out and touched her white hair that hung over her shoulder. Though it was an effort, she kept her breathing even.

«Why fretting, then? Seems like things are going smoothly.» she said, and stared into his frosty eyes that had begun to glow slightly. She was... becoming softer, and for some reason she did not resent it. Though the knowing glances from her sister and the thirteen were getting annoying, but they never said anything.

Dorians lips turned into a smirk, and a playful look entered his eyes. «I'm just dragging out the time, actually.» she raised her eyebrow at him, he stepped closer and slid her hair away from her shoulder. His fingers barely grazing the skin of her neck, sending a tingle running down her spine. A slow smile spread on her face, he liked taking his time, and she liked it when he did.

She laid a hand on his chest and pushed him backwards, forcing him to step back. His gaze never left hers as he kept walking backwards until the back of his legs hit the couch, and he slowly sat down. «And why would you waste my time with senseless fretting, Princeling?» she purred down at him.

He leaned back in the couch, and placed his hands behind his head. His smirk stayed there, as invisible hands stroked the length of her back. «I think you know what I have in mind, Witchling.» he said with male arrogance. The invisible hands pushed lightly against her, and she slowly sat down on top of him.

«I think you should tell me exactly what you're thinking, Princeling.» she purred, leaning in close and stroked her nail down his cheek. Her heart began beating faster when she felt the warmth of his breath caress her skin.

The invisible hands traveled up her neck and into her hair, then went down to her shoulders slowly pushing the robe to the sides. «I think that the way you're sitting right now is very exciting.» he lowered his arms from behind his head, brought them around her waist and straightened his back. Bringing his nose very close to her own. «You're heart is beating fast.» he whispered, his bright blue eyes still gazing deeply into hers.

«No, it's not.» she said and narrowed her eyes at him, but her breath hitched when his invisible hands stroked the back of her neck. This man was making her crazy, but in a good way. She was beginning to understand why Asterin had wanted to stay in the cabin with the hunter. Manon grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him slowly, she closed her eyes.

After a while he broke away from the kiss, and began spreading soft pecks down her throat. A low sound crossed her lips as he kept going down to her chest, and then his invisible hands moved the robe away to give more access. Her fingers tightened in his hair, her nails lightly scraping him, and she tipped her back, lips parting a little.

The door slammed open, and Manon snarled and whirled to see who had interrupted them. Vesta and Sorrel stood frozen the doorway, taking in the scene before blinking. «They're here, Manon.» Sorrel said at the same time as Vesta said, «They've come.» They were clearly excited by whatever this was.

She snarled again. «Out with, who has come?» This better be worth the interruption...

«Our wyverns, Manon!» Vesta said excitedly. Manon blinked at the two witches, her breath seized in her chest.

«Abraxos?» she managed to breath out. Sorrel and Vesta both nodded, and Manon scrambled up from the couch and Dorian, yanking her robe back in place. «Where is he?» she asked as she tied the sash around the robe.

«Outside in the garden, we came here as soon as they had landed.» Vesta said. Manon was already out of the door before Vesta had finished her sentence, and was running down the hallways leading to the outside.

The cold night air nipped her skin as she raced towards the group of wyverns and witches. Abraxos came to meet her halfway where she crashed into him, hugging him tightly.  He began nuzzling her, and she stroked the side of his big face. He was smaller, however, than he had been. And his wings were not ruined, neither was his tail. A few scrapes and scars, but nothing serious. Young and healthy. «I missed you, Abraxos.» she muttered into his face.

He sniffed, and blinked his big eyes at her. «Don't you start too, I get enough of it from the others.» she said and pursed her lips. He began huffing repeatedly, laughing at her, then nudged her with his nose. A smile spread on her lips, then she chuckled as well. She walked around him, then climbed up on his back. «Let's fly my friend, let's feel the wind on our faces.» Abraxos roared in response, then took of into the night. She leaned down close to his back, revelling in the sensation of flying with her most trusted companion once more.

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