Chapter 12

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Ideas just keep popping into my head, sooo in other words, a new chapter for you guys today! Love you all!

Two weeks has past since Celaena shared one of her biggest secrets with Sam, two since she admitted to him and herself that she loved him. They had finally moved out of the Torre and rented an apartment downtown a few blocks away from the Dog Care.

Every day these past two weeks they've both gone to work in the morning, then Sam would show up at the Dog Care to eat lunch with Celaena and Old Frey. When workday was over the couple went out for dinner, trying out one new local dish every day.

Then they always, with no exceptions whatsoever, went to the beach. Even with the guidance from the dream, and Sams constant optimism, Celeana was unable to light those damn candles without incinerating the surrounding area. The shift, on the other hand, she had gotten the hang within the first week.

She remembered it clearly. She was seated down on the sandy beach, while Sam was sitting atop the rocky slope a safe distance away while reading out loud for her. She was starting irritated that she couldn't do it when she thought back to day she burned their room. Don't wish for it. Don't ask for it. Take it. So she had punched inward and found the trigger, and with a whoop of victory she had ran over to Sam to show him that she had done it. She threw herself at him so hard that they both tumbled to the ground.

The glorious taste of that chocolate hazelnut cake he bought for her that evening to celebrate still had her mouth watering. Everything was better in her fae form, absolutely everything. How she had ever been afraid of it, she did not know.

On a clear night they would lie together on the roof, staring into the vast endlessness of the skies.

But not a day went by without her thinking about that last piece of herself, her big secret wrapped in guilt and shame. She was living her dream. She was now a normal girl, although with magic, with a normal life partner living a normal life together. But despite all that, she couldn't shake away the feeling of failure. Especially not with those dreams every night, they had now progressed to show her taking back her nam and title and fighting for her people. It made her feel guilty for living a comfortable life, far away from Terrasen.

Right now they were both sprawled on their rooftop, she was resting her head on his chest listening to the steady beat of his heart and breathing in his lovely scent. He absentmindedly stroked her back while he stared up at the stars.

«Do you ever want to go back there?» he suddenly asked. She had been so lost in thought that she had no idea what he was talking about. She looked up at him quizzically, and he motioned up at the stars and she followed his gaze. The Great Stag was staring down at them.

She sat up with her back to him, to give herself some time to think. She heard him sit up as well, then felt his arm wrap around her shoulders. She kept her eyes on the Lord of the North, and she knew that her eyes betrayed her conflicted feelings.

«I don't know.» was all she managed to say.


Rowan had to admit that Antica was a very beautiful city. But it's size and population made his search for his queen more than bothersome. Thousands of different scents bombarded his senses constantly, and it was hard to track one scent more than a block.

He, Lysandra and Wesley had divided up the city to cover more ground, hopefully finding either Aelin or Sam. Just find one of them would be enough, but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Their first day had been unsuccessful, and they had met up at an inn he had  found soon after their arrival.

Wesley and Lysandra shared a room, while he kept to himself. Their relationship had grown to new heights during their voyage here, but Rowan knew the pair hadn't taken that last step. She probably wanted to feel her freedom from the bedroom for awhile.

Tomorrow would be a new day, and hopefully they would find Aelin so that they could begin their second attempt at saving the world.

The first attempt had not gone well. At all, to say the very least.

Slumping down on his bed Rowan released a long sigh, and again wondered how he would convince seventeen year old Aelin to save them all.

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