Chapter 42

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Ps: I have now realized that describing dresses is not one of my strengths, I have no idea what the different parts are called in english, or if I use the right words... so I added a picture, haha.

Aelin stood before the large mirror admiring the beautiful deep blue dress her uncle had gifted her. The bodice was decorated with intricate lacy designs, with pearls sewn in. The sleeves were made of a see-through material, and stopped below the elbows. Aelin twirled in front of the mirror, watching how the skirt flowed beautifully around her. A stunning masterpiece.

A knock came from the door, and she called out for the person to enter. Galan entered the room and walked over to where stood, still watching her own reflection. She turned to face him.

«You look beautiful.» he said as he looked over the dress. She gave him a half smile.

«I always do.» she smirked, and Galan merely laughed.

«How very humble of you, cousin.» he said, then offered her his arm. «Would you like to walk with me? I could show you the gardens, or anywhere else you'd like to go.»

She glanced at his outreached arm before she linked her arm with his, and smiled. «I'd love to.» she said, and he ked her out of the room and down the bright hallways of the castle. «Is Aedion still speaking with uncle Glaston?» she asked. It was past midday day, and Aedion had told early that morning that he had been summoned. Maybe Glaston wanted to make up for the way he had treated him upon his arrival and the following month.

«Yes, he is. I believe my father wanted to make amends for his, uhm, indelicate transgressions.» a sad look crept into his eyes, and he swallowed before he continued. «I'm sorry that we didn't come nine years ago, Aelin. I wish we had, that we didn't... abandon all of you the way we did.»

For a while she said nothing, just walked beside him into the garden. «I don't blame you, Galan. It wasn't your call to make anyway.» she stopped walking, and turned to look at him. «The past is the past, all we can do is move forward and do the best we can to make a better future. Besides, we all make mistakes. I can't pretend that I've been an angel myself these past years.»

The began walking again, and followed a path lined with rose bushes on either side. «Father sent out spies to look for you after we got news of what had happened, but they never found anything. At least not those who returned.» he said after a while, and looked at her, his eyes asking the question he indirectly asked. Where have you been? What happened? His eyes seemed to ask.

She has no idea how he would react, but if she didn't tell him now he would learn about it eventually. Aelin looked down at the gravel path beneath her feet. She took a deep breath, then looked him straight in the eyes. «I hid in plain sight, and I know you have all heard the name I used...» her voice trailed of as a guard hurried towards them.

«Prince Galan, more guests from Doranelle has arrived.» the guard said. A strangled noise escaped her, and she gathered her skirts and ran towards the main gates. Leaving a confused Galan behind with the baffled guard.

He was early, it had been just a week since she herself had arrived here. She rounded a giant fountain, and there... there he was. Tall, handsome and the most gorgeous creature in the whole world. She threw her arms around him and crashed into his chest. He caught her and spun her around, her skirt fluttered around them.

«I missed you, buzzard.» she mumbled into his neck, he gently set her feet back on the ground.

«I missed you too, Fireheart.» his eyes wandered down her body, and his eyes twinkled. «You look magnificent.» he bent down and claimed her mouth, and pulled her in closely. A week apart had been too long for both of them.

A throat cleared and Aelin and Rowan slowly pulled away from their kiss, then turned to whoever had interrupted them so rudely. Galan had caught up with her, he had probably ran right after for all she knew. And Glaston and Aedion had come out as well. All looking at her and Rowan. She glanced up at her mate.

Well, that's one way to tell my uncle about my mate, I suppose. She said with a small giggle.

You haven't told him yet? He arched an eyebrow at her.

I wanted you here when I revealed it. She winked at him.

She grabbed his hand, leading him over to where her uncle and cousins stood. «Rowan, this is my uncle, King Glaston, and my cousin Crown Prince Galan.» she said and gestured at her family, then she turned to them. «And this is Rowan Whitethorn, King of Doranelle, my carranam, mate and fiancee.» she said smiling from ear to ear, looking every bit a lovesick fool as she looked up at his tan, tattooed face.

Aedion, out of the three royals, were the only one grinning since he already knew. But the faces of the other two were priceless, with gaping mouths and eyebrows reaching for their hairlines. Aelin almost giggled at the sight of them.

«Fiancee?!» Both Glaston and Galan said at the same time, both looking equally flustered. Aelin kept grinning like a fool as she lifted her hand to show them the ring Rowan had proposed with.

Glaston gathered himself before his son did, and reached out a hand in greeting. Rowan took his hand and shook it firmly. Then Glaston said, «It's a great pleasure to meet you, King Rowan, and congratulations for your newly earned title and with the engagement.»

«The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty.» Rowan said. She glanced between the two men, and rolled her eyes then placed her hands on her hips.

«You can cut the formalities, we're all family after all, so there's no need for all that nonsense.» she said, glancing between her uncle and the love of her life.

Rowan laughed heartedly, and brought an arm around her waist and pulled her close and looked down at her lovingly. Her heart fluttered, and she hoped to always see him like this, so happy and carefree.

Glaston grinned at the two of them. «You're right. Welcome to the family, Rowan. Tell me, when will the wedding be?»

«Haven't really decided that yet, but it will be after we return to our continent. I have many friends who would like to attend.» Aelin said. She tugged on Rowan. «Come I want to show you around the castle before we begin with all the war planning.»

And I want to show you how much I've missed you, my love.

I like the sound of that, my fiery beauty.

With that she pulled him away from everyone, giving him a quick tour of the grounds. Then she showed him the way to her rooms, locked the door, pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him.

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