Chapter 49

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They were stopped at the gate before the castle, and had to wait until their arrival had been announced. Aelin's shoulders began to curl inwards as the waited to be invited in, but then she straightened herself. She was not afraid, he might not like what she gad become, but she would not let that get to.

The guard who had gone to inform about their presence, came striding towards them now with Ren at his side. When all greetings was over and done with, he turned his attention to her.

«All the major nobles are present, Your Highness, they are recieving you in the main meeting room.» Ren said, and sketched a bow. «I'll walk you there.» then he turned around and headed back the way he had come from, with Aelin and her group following right behind him.

Rowan stepped closer to her while they were lead through the castle. «Stay focused. Darrow will try to rile you, you must not let him.» he said quietly.

«I know.» she said, willing herself to calm down. She had, after all, done this ones before, and she could do it again. She just needed to not erupt, or piss them of, or to come off as young and irresponsible. «I can do this.» she said, not to anyone in particular, just to herself.

Ren opened a set of double doors. The guard stationed inside slammed his spear on the floor, then his voice boomed. «Princess Aelin Ashryver Galathynius has arrived, with the company of her cousins Crown Prince Galan Ashryver and Prince Aedion Ashryver. Also the King of Doranelle, Rowan Whitethorn» he announced.

Aelin fought the urge to roll her eyes at the over the too announcement, but it was protocol she supposed. Something she would have to get used to, as well.

The five nobles were seated at a long table turned their attention towards her, and four of them rose to their feet. Only Darrow stayed seated, which wasn't unexpected. She willed calm into her veins, then strode towards to lone chair at the end of the table, opposite of Darrow.

«Well met, my Lords. It's good to see you all here tiday» she said, as confidently as she could and sat down in her seat. Rowan seated to her right, Galan took then next to Rowan, while Aedion took the seat to her left. Ren took the seat next to his father, across from Galan. She felt Darrow's eyes on her, watching, assessing.

«Ren has told us a lot about you, Your Highness. I must say, I found it very... disturbing.» Darrow said, dragging out the last word.

«Careful Darrow.» Aedion said tight lipped.

Darrow interlaced his fingers, and set them on the table. His gaze never leaving her. «Why? Shall you burn me to ash, Princess? Melt my bones?»

She leveled her gaze at him, not letting her temper show. «Of course not, Lord Darrow, I would never hurt my own.»

«Your own... like the Underworld of Adarlan. You were Adarlan's assassin for years, weren't you?»

She began to count to ten in her head, and she could see Rowan clenching his jaw. «Yes, I was. But only while I was indebted to Arobynn Hamel for saving my life, after I had paid my debts I left.» she said, she clasped her hands in her lap. «But you already know this, Lord Darrow, as I'm sure Ren has told you everything he knows about. I have nothing to hide from you or my people.» It was an effort to keep her voice from quivering with anger.

«Your history is problematic, on many points, Princess...-»

«I find you problematic as well, Lord Darrow. You see, I know exactly how little effort the court put into finding me, except for the Allsbrooks own search for me.» Aelin rose slowly from her seat, and stepped around the table. She saw Rowan's warning look from the corner of her eye, but she ignored it. «Did you know that Arobynn's estate was just a few miles downriver from where I fell in? He kept me there a couple of months before he took me to Adarlan, yet no one came to look for me there. You just assumed that I had drowned, didn't you. Maybe even hoped for it.» she walked behind Darrow's chair, and met the eyes of the other nobles. They were all stone faced, Darrow had probably ordered them to stay silent. Galan and Aedion shared a glance, she loved how good friends they had become.

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