Chapter 29

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Get comfortable, this is a long one!

The sky was covered with, roiling clouds, and the air was filled with small snowflakes slowly making its way to the ground. It would be a cold day, but it would not deter them from their goal.

Aelin walked down the stairs leading to the warehouse below the apartment. She stopped before reaching the bottom of the stairwell, and looked out across the many faces in the room. All of her friends were present, as well as the covens of Rhiannon and Manon. Ren had also brought the other leaders from rebellion, who was all now looking at her, waiting for her to speak.

Aelin straightened her spine, and let her arms hang at her side. She met Sam's eyes, who gave her an encouraging nod. Then her gaze shifted to Rowan, who tilted his lips in a half smile. It had been two nights since her talk with Sam, but she had not been able to talk to the fae warrior yet. Later, she would do that later.

Aelin swallowed, this was scarier than she thought it would be. She drew a deep, slow breath to calm her nerves.

«Many different reasons have brought each and everyone of us here today. But our end goal is the same, and today we take the first big step towards that goal.» she said to the small crowd before her, her eyes met Ren's gaze. «We will no longer cower before this conquerer, we will no longer hide in the shadows fearing what lies ahead of us. This is no longer a rebellion. Now,» she tried to meet the eyes of everyone, one after another, «we bring this war to the tyrants own doorstep, and show him that we have not given up, that we are not afraid.» she looked at Sam, who smiled at her now. «This is a big day, and I know that we will prevail, together we can beat him.»

She put a hand on the railing next to her, and tried not to grip it too tightly. «Now go, get ready, find your posts. Fight for the loved ones we have lost, but most of all, fight for a better future. A future where we do not need to hide, a future of freedom and safety.» her heart beat wildly, so she took another deep breath. She looked at Rowan, the crowd seemed to be holding its breath. She lifted her chin, trying to like the queen she was. «Divided we will fall, but when we stand united we will prevail.» She stepped down from the stairs, as the crowd began cheering. Maybe the speech had been a bit too much, but she hoped it spike their morale, at least a little bit.

Slowly the crowd dispersed, groups left to ready for the battle one after another. Sam pulled her into a hug, which she returned in full. «You did great.» he whispered into her ear, she just smiled up at him.

She slowly pulled away from the hug, and found Rowan standing a few paces away. «Was it too much?» she asked him. Rowan looked at her for a moment.

«Only if we all die.» Rowan said, the corner of his mouth lifted into a smile. She raised her eyebrows at him, and Sam chuckled next to her. «But we won't. Last time we had far less fighters, and we still managed to pull it off.»

«Yes, well, last time I was older and more experienced.» she mumbled.

«But just as dramatic.» Rowan snorted, she huffed at him and put her hands on her hips.

«I was not being dramatic.» she said, and narrowed her eyes at him, pursing her lips.

Just a little bit, Princess.

I was not! I did my best to give an inspiring speech to boost their morale.

I never said it wasn't good.

Then why say it was dramatic then?

What is so wrong with that, I like it when you're like that actually.

Sam looked back forth between them as they spoke silently with mere gestures. He cleared his throat, and suppressed a smile. «We do need to get ready as well, and Dorian is waiting for you, Aelin.»

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