Chapter 31

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Aelin sat by Sams bed waiting for him to wake up. Soon after Dorian had made his proclamation to the citizens Ren had come running towards her with Sam slung across his back, who was unconscious. Woth Rowans help, they hastily healed his wound so that he would not bleed out, then they brought him into the castle to recuperate.

Now all she could do was wait, wait and see if he could pull through or not. She grabbed his hand, which was cold to the touch, and looked at his ashen face. She should have known that something like this would happen, that she would lose him a second time. And it would be her fault, again. She took a shaky breath, and a small tear escaped her eye that she quickly wiped away.

The door into the bedroom opened, and Lysandra walked in, still clothed in her bloody rags from the fighting that ended hours ago.

«How is he?» Lysandra asked as she approached the bed. Aelin swallowed and bit her lip.

«We closed the wound, but he has lost a lot of blood.» Aelin said shakily, «but his breathing is steadier than earlier, so that's a good sign.»

Lysandra placed a hand on Aelins shoulder, and squeezed her gently. «You should go get something to eat. I'll watch over him.» she said, Aelin opened her mouth to protest, but Lysandra interrupted her. «No excuses, you'll be the first to no if anything changes.»

Aelin clamped her mouth shut, but then nodded and went to the living room as Lysandra took her seat by the bed.

When she exited the bedroom she saw Rowan enter the living room as well, carrying a tray of food. Their eyes met as he placed the tray on the table, and she walked over to.

«I was just about to get myself something to eat, but looks like you beat me to it.» she said, and took a seat. Rowan looked her up and down, reading her posture.

«It's for you.» he said curtly, and that's all she needed to hear before she dug into the food before her. «He'll be fine, he just needs rest.» he said. She stopped her chewing and looked up at him, then she swallowed.

«It's just that... I can't help but feel that it was my fault.» she looked down at her food. «He could have died, again, and it would have been because of me, again.» she fought the lump in her throat.

«It's not your fault, Aelin. Not then and not now.» Rowan said firmly, and she could feel his eyes on her. «As a queen you will face many hard choices, and many will fight and die for you, Aelin. All you can do is to make the best of what you have, being a leader is not an easy task.»

Aelin lifted her eyes to look at him. «Will it get easier?» she asked quietly.

«The peaceful times have their own difficulties, but in wartime... sending men into battle is not easy, and it never will be.»

She gave him a half smile, then slowly began eating again. He would know that first hand, seeing as he had gone into battle more times than she could count. Silence fell over them as she ate.

«What are your plans now, what's the next step?» Rowan asked after watching her for some time.

Before Aelin could answer the door to the hallway was flung open, and Manon marched in stalking straight for Aelin.

«Where's is Elide? Why haven't you retrieved her yet?» Manon demanded.  Aelin brought a napkin to her lips to clean of some spilt food, then put it down.

«It's being taken care. No need to worry yourself, Witch.» Aelin said calmly, Manon narrowed her eyes at her.

«What do mean ''taken care of''?» Manon said tersely.

«It means that I have sent someone to get her away from her uncle.» Aelin said simply and leaned back in her chair.

«If she gets hurt—»

«Neither of us want her to come to harm, Manon, she will be fine.» Aelin fixed a stare on the Witch, then she turned her attention back to Rowan. «My plan is to kill the bitch who put a wyrdstone heart in me, then I am going to visit the family who ignored our calls for aid nine years ago. While I am doing that Dorian will keep Duke Perrington from suspecting we know anything about the Valg, while we gather our forces around him.» Aelin gave both Manon and Rowan a fiendish grin. «Then the real war will begin. That's my plan.»

«What makes you think that Erawan hasn't noticed the shift in time? My witches and I where not affected by it, and we are descended from the Valg. He could be aware of it too.» Manon said and crossed her arms.

«We can't know for certain, but that's why you, Rhiannon and all your witches stays here, should Dorian need aid before I get back from Wendlyn.» Aelin stated.

«And the red haired queen, from the Wastes?» Manon asked.

«There's progress on that end too, again there's no need for you to worry.» Aelin said sweetly.

Manon glared at her before leaving the room. Aelin exhaled hard through her nose after the door closed behind the witch. She stood up an headed towards the balcony overlooking one of the gardens around the castle.

Rowan followed her outside into the cold, his presence assuring and calming. She turned to face him.

«Have you heard from the cadre?» she asked him.


«What do you think it means?»

«I don't know, it could mean nothing.» he said. «Who did send to get Elide?»

She grinned up at him. «Someone who is very good at sneaking and stealing. He'll get the job done.»

Rowan smiled back at her, and she could see he was itching to touch her. So she flung her arms around him and hugged him tight, and wrapped her in his arms. It felt good, him holding her. It felt like home, safe and peaceful. She pulled away enough to look into his face, and she lifted her hand to trace the tattoo that swirled down the side of his face. Rowan closed his eyes, and she could feel how much he was restraining himself.

«Will you go with me? To Wendlyn.» she asked, and he opened his eyes to look at her. She kept her hand on his cheek, her heart began to beat a little faster as she gazed into those mesmerising, pine green eyes.

«Of course, to whatever end, Fireheart.» he said, his gaze never wavering from hers.

And at that moment she realized something. Something that Sam already knew, and had known for a while. The choice had already been made, and now she felt it too, and there was no doubt left in her heart.

«Kiss me, Rowan.» she said quietly, and stroked her thumb across his cheekbone. He blinked in surprise and disbelief.

«But Sam —» he blurted out, but she put a finger on his lips, silencing him.

«I choose you, Rowan.» she lowered her hand from his lips and splayed her fingers over his racing heart.

«I don't want to ruin your relationship with him, Aelin, I never intended to come between you...»

«You haven't ruined anything, buzzard. I want you, and Sam has given us his blessing.» she lifted her arms around his neck, stood on her tip toes and pulled him down to her. «Did you think I wouldn't remember? I remember our wedding, I remember Skulls Bay, I remember us, Rowan.» she whispered an inch from his mouth, her eyes never leaving his. «You are mine, and I am yours. To whatever end.»

He was hardly breathing as she moved in and claimed his mouth with hers, as she wound her fingers into his short cut hair and his hands began roaming her back.

A soft groan made its way up her throat as she felt the bond between fall into place once more, and she finally felt complete.

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